Dr. Suchart Kulkosa (Ophthalmologist)
The objective of this homepage is for providing the knowledge and information about eye diseases.

Ophthalmology websites (valuable to visit)
Websites of Thai Ophthalmologist (Eye docter)
Click here...for information about all the disease you want to know

Test your vision. (very important for you) ..in english.. .. in Thai..
Download file "visual.zip" which contain all the file in this section to upload in your website. (free)

            Eye problems caused by computer and prevention (in Thai)
Information about Pinguecula,Pterygium, Cataract,Glaucoma. (in Thai) ..in brief.. ..in Detail..
Lagophthalmos(unable to close the eye)
Ptosis(unable to open the eye as widely as normal)
Eye lesions in Leprosy

Suanluang R9...Beautiful place in Thailand
Editing picture of the patient with single lid fold to be double lid fold.

If you have any question about eye disease, please feel free to ask me at