One-Shot and Short Story Proposal Form


One-Shot Specials and Short Stories

If you have an idea for a One-Shot special or a Short Story for our Newsletter that fits within the MUTANT COMICS Universe, fill out the form, push the send button, and this will send mail to our Editor-in-Chief, who will resopnd within three business days of receiving it.

Real Name:

Handle or Nickname:


Email Address:

Proposed Title Name:

Enter proposal below:

Enter a two page sample script:
(prose only)

What characters do you want to use:
(subject to availability)
Main Character 1:
Main Character 2:
Main Character 3:
Main Character 4:
Main Character 5:

When would you be able to produce your first draft?

  1. Within One Week.
  2. Within Two Weeks.
  3. Within One Month.
  4. Within Two Months.
  5. I don't know.