Ongoing Title Proposial and Replacement Form


Ongoing Title Proposial and Replacement

If you have an idea for an Ongoing Series that fits within the MUTANT COMICS Universe, fill out the form, push the send button, and this will send mail to our Editor-in-Chief, who will resopnd within three business days of receiving it.

Real Name:

Handle or Nickname:


Email Address:

Proposed Title Name:
(Fill in title name if for replacements)

Enter proposial below
(Title including plots, subplots,
and character directions for first six issues:

Enter a two page sample script:
(prose format please)

What characters do you want to use:
(subject to availability)
Main Character 1:
Main Character 2:
Main Character 3:
Main Character 4:
Main Character 5:

When would you be able to produce your first issue?

  1. Within One Week.
  2. Within Two Weeks.
  3. Within One Month.
  4. Within Two Month.
  5. I don't know.