We are Space Marines. Many of us are members of the
Federation Marine Corps.
A multi genre Science Fiction Fan Club focusing on Marines in Space.If it has to do with SPACE, and MARINES, we are interested. Go to our links about the ship and crew below for more information
Stephanie meets a Klingon
As Commander of the vessel, I am at your disposal to answer questions (unless they are classified) with regards to our ship, mission, and crew. Our ship is a Trojan Class Troop transport that has been "significantly" modified to suit our requirements. If you are a fan of: S:AaB / B-5 / Aliens / Trek / Bsttlestar Galactica / Starship Troopers / Colonial Space Marines (keeping the peace through High Tech intimidation) / ETC. Visit with us.
Join us in our mission to keep the universe safe for generally bipedal, mostly humanoid, occasionally oxygen breathing, type beings.
WELL WE ARE BACK! After some difficulty due to a closed E-mail account, we have revived the site, and hope to make some revisions shortly! We will be at Baycon for 2003, and hope to see folks there!
The Gunny knows science!
Photos from BayCon 99, looking ahead already to Baycon 2K+1, wonder what we will see???.
That so hip retro-techno-punk-rocker, Stella Rose, from Stella Rose and the Saturn V's! FOLLOW THE BAND'S TOUR SCHEDULE, AND FAN ACTIONS HERE AS DEMETER BECOMES THE OFFICIAL FAN SITE FOR THIS too cool band
The Gunny Tells all!
Another potential recruit!
So! This is a rocket scientist!?!
MI has landed
The Demeter Sciences department helped to sponsor the Ambassador from Galileo and the Jovian system (with a little visit from the Martian delegation)
Past actions
STELLAR CON '99, 7 MARCH, Fairfield California. Was great! We got to see and meet two of the Actors from B-5, (more photos for our album) and hear several others speak from Star Trek (Mr. Del Arco is .... young! ...)While Ms. Ryan was a bit late in arriving, the room was definitely FULL of fans! We look forward to the next Stellar-Con in Fairfield (July?) as well as other conventions for the summer.
NORWESTCON-Seattle, they don't tell you that the Hotel charges for parking...something to be aware of! Fun convention, even if most of the locals seem to be (at least visibly outnumbering many others) Goth with S&M twist! Also, avoid rental cars from the company with a name that sounds like "Holler". If your car is stolen, they do not replace it! And...they charge for the days until recovery!-talk about stranded!!!-
We are also working on some patterns and notes for Star Ship Trooper uniforms, rumor has it that a second SST movie is possible, and will feature the powered armor!
INFO ALERT The new Power Ranger-Lost Galaxy series looks to be using modified uniforms and armor from Star-Ship Troopers, the movie!
We are working on Uniform information, and have moved the how to make your uniform to the below link..