The Final Frontier

by Andrew Lambdin-Abraham

Grand Master Bezerker

Astronaut on STS 95 02

7 Missions Experience

Twice Cap Comm

Hi! I am Andrew Lambdin-Abraham, one of the most experienced Space Science members ever. First, let me explain to you what Space Science is. Space Science is a class at Kealing Jr. High School in Austin Texas. For 18 weeks or 90 days we attempt to construct a Space Simulator in our class room. We set up computers, we devise timelines, we collect medical baselines. Then most of the way through the semester we have a mission. Last year ('95) we had three missions in December. In Spring 96 we had two missions, In fall 96 one and on May 9th, 1997 one. Those are the ones I've been to. At the mission eight or nine people who have been chosen as Shuttle Crew are put on board and expected to stay there for 24 to 30 hours. Meanwhile, mean nasty people if your not with them, maevelvontly cool people if you are called bezerkers attempt to screw things up and annoy or kill you. They have, in my memory used car bombs, letter bombs, hijacking, biological warfare and recorded speaches by Richard Nixon played by loudspeaker.

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