There are two sides to every tale. Mine is no different.

Their R 2 sides too every tail. Minus know different.

Everyone has two (at least) sides of their personality . . .

There's the "serious" side you show at work or formal occasions.

And then there's the fun side when you're around your friends and your parents/boss/anybody who doesn't know the real you isn't looking . . .

This page is designed for both of you

Over here you'll find my personal history, my resume, what I do for a living, and professional interests.

And over here you'll get to know the real me. Who/what/when/where/how I do for fun, what music I listen to, background info (the good stuff), gripes, complaints, philosphies, suggestions and anything else I can squeeze in while I still have disk space.

I should probably mention that this page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Yeah, it's a bit boring. Plain background. No pictures or anything. I'll see what I can't put in later . . .

The Blue Ribbon Campaign

Gerry Baygents / Professional student, Bon vivant /

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