Oran do'n Bhàl Chatriona Iain
A.J. MacKenzie
Séist 'S e gillean mo rùin a thogadh oirnn sunnd,
'S i seo a' Bliadhn' Ùr thug solas dhuinn;
'S e gillean mo rùin a thogadh oirnn sunnd,
'S a' mhaduinn an dé
'S mi biadhadh na spréidh',
Gu'n chuala mi sgeul
Thug solas dhomh.
Mo chùl ris an dorus
'S mi crathadh an fhodair
Gu'n chuala mi 'n t-sogan,
"Good morning, sir."
"Tha mise 'gad shìreadh
Gu bàl Chatriona Iain
Dean deiseil 's their neighean
Ann còmhla riut."
Bu shunndach mo cheum
Cuir cùl ris an spréidh
Chaidh m'aigneadh air ghleus
'S cha b' neonach e.
Gu'n dh'fhalbh mi gu tràth
Gu'n taigh 's an robh 'n bàl
Taigh mór 'nam fluidh àrd
'Nan seomraichean.
Bu bhò an sealladh
Bha'n iochdar an taighe
De nighneagan dreachmhor
'Us òigearan.
Catriona 'gan drilleadh
Gach dream mar a thigeadh,
Gu'n d'shaoil mi "Minis-
Teir" Gordon i.
'N uair thoisich an danns',
Bha ruidhl' anns gach ceann,
Sheas ise air "dronng"
Toirt ordain dhaibh.
A chlanna na biodaig
Nach hook sibh na gillean,
Gur truagh nach mise
Bha còmhla ribh.
'N uair bha mi air ghleus
Na lathaichean fhéin
'S ann agam bha spéis
Nan òigearan.
Ged tha mi trì-fichead,
'S mo fhodhaig air ghliogain,
Gu'n d'thoirinn raffility
Dhoigheil dhaibh.
Gu dé air an talamh
A chum Seumas Chalum,
Nach d'thainig a Anna
Bheag còmhla ris.
Tha Maiseag fo ghruaim
'S an chitchean ad shuas,
A's Eachainn a luaidh
Dean trocair oirr'.
Seòl anns a' mhionaid
Mu Floraidh aig Iain,
Nach dh'fhuirich an gille
Bha còmhla ri'?
Bha Eachuinn 's an àm
'S am barran mu cheann,
'S fallus 'na dheann
A' dortadh dheth.
I cannot let go
My grip on the stove,
Confound it.
Tha coignear còmhla ri'.
Air eagal gu'n tigeadh
I'n taobh 's an robh mise
Gu'n dh'fhà mi 's a' mhionaid
An còmhlann iad.
'S e turas na truaighe
A chaidh mi'n taobh tuath,
Chaidh cearc a chinn ruadh
A' leonadh orm.
An fhorca cas liath
Bitheadh agam ri m' bhiadh,
Chuir Steaphuin ùd shios,
Na meoirean dhith.
'S e turus na truaighe
A chaidh mi'n taobh tuath,
Gur ann do'n chinn Ruadh
A sheòl iad mi.
Chorus The lads that I love would lift up our hearts,
'T was at the New Year they brought us joy;
The lads that I love would lift up our hearts.
1 'T was yesterday morn,
While feeding the cows,
That I heard the news
That made me glad.
2 I'd turned from the door-way
To shake down the fodder,
When I heard the greeting;
"Good morning, sir."
3 It's you I'm inviting
To the dance at Kate IAin's.
And get a young maiden
To come with you.
4 How lively my step.
On leaving the cows,
My spriti in trim,
And that's not strange.
5 I left early for
The house where they danced,
Big house with high flues
In all its rooms.
6 The sight was so pretty
Outside of the house there,
Of handsome young maidens
And fine young men.
7 Catherine was greeting
Each group that arrived there
I though she was Gordon
The Minister.
8 When the dancing had started,
A reel in each end,
She stood on the trunk
Directing them.
9 My clan of the dagger
Did you not hook the laddies?
I'm sorry that I
Was not with you.
10 When I was in trim
In the days of my prime,
Then I was in love
With younger men.
11 Although I am sixty
With body that's shaky,
I'd give them "rafillity"
12 Now what on eatrh
Has kept Jimmie Malcolm
He didn't take Anna Beag
Along with him
13 The Beauty is sad
In the kitchen out there,
Now Hector, my love,
Take care of her.
14 See at this minute
To Flora, John's girl,
Was not the boy waiting
Who came with her?
15 But Hector just now
With band 'round his head
Had streamlets of sweat
That poured from him.
16 I cannot let go
My grip on the stove,
Confound it, the five
Are with her still.
17 For fear that she'd come to
The place I was standing.
I left at that minute
To join with them
18 Unlucky the trip that
I took to the north,
The red-headed hen
Was wounded then.
19 The grey-handled fork
I had for my meat.
'T was Stephen up there
Broke off its prongs.
20 Unlucky the trip was
I took to the north,
'T was out to Red Point
They guided me.
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