O A Hù A, Nighean Dubh, Nighean Donn

Sung by Neil MacLean and the North Shore Singers

O a hù a, nighean dubh, nighean donn
Hi ri ri ù, nighean donn, bhòidheach,
O a hù a, nighean dubh, nighean donn
Tusa 'bruidhinn ris a' ghruagach
'S mis' air bhƒrr nan stuadh a' seòladh.
Tusa 'bruidhinn ris an nighinn
A thug gaol a cridhe dhomh-sa.
'S tusa 'bruidhinn ri mo leannan
'S mi ri teannachadh nan ròpan.
A nighean donn a' bhroillich shoilleir.
Shiùbhlainn coille leat is còmhnard.
A nighean donn a' bhroillich ghlé-ghil,
As do dhéidh tha mise brònach.
Dheanainn coinneamh riut 'san t-anmoch,
Ged bhiodh càch a' seanachas oirnne
Dheanainn coinneamh riut 'san fhogar,
'N àm na sobhail a bhi 'gam bòrdadh
Dheanainn coinneamh riut 'san t-samhradh,
'N àm na gamhna a bhi 'san cròthadh.
Anns a' mhaduinn shéid an dùdach
A bha 'gar dùsgadh 'an taigh Seònaid.
'S buidhe dha'n fhear aig mo leannan,
A tha na mara(nnan) ri seòladh.
O a hù a, black-haired girl, brown-haired girl,
Hi ri ri ù,pretty brown-haired girl,
O a hù a, black-haired girl, brown-haired girl
You are talking to the maiden
While I'm sailing on the crests of the waves.
You are talking to the girl
Who gave me her heart's love.
You are talking to my darling
While I secure the ropes.
Brown-haired girl of the clear(-skinned) bosom,
With you, I would traverse forest and field
Brown-haired girl of the exceedingly white bosom,
I pine for you sorrowfully.
I would tryst with you in the late hours,
Though people might gossip about us.
I would tryst with you in the autumn,
At the time for boarding the barns.
I would meet with you in the summer
At the time for fencing in the yearling calves.
In the morning the horn sounded
Which awakened us in Jessie's house.
Fortunate is the man my darling possesses,
Whose work it is to sail the seas.

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