O Ceanada
Tormad Moireach

Two versions of this song. Very similar. I don't know if both are by Norman Murray. But there is enough similarity for it to be true.

O Ceanada, duthaich 'nan gaisgaich chòir
Crùn air do cheann de dhuilleigh dhearg 's òr,
Bho chuan gu chuan le òrain binn
Do chliù nì sinn a luaidh.
Fo dhìon do sgéith tha saorsa ghrinn.
Nach spìon an nàmhaid uainn.
O Ceanada! Dùrachd ar cridh'
Sona le sìth 's maitheas Dhe d'ar tìr
Sona le sìth 's maitheas Dhe d'ar tìr.

O Canada, land of fine heroes.
Crown on your head of leaves, red and gold,
From sea to sea with sweet songs
Your name we will make praises to
Under the shelter of your wing is beautiful liberty
That the enemy will not tear from us.
O Canada, good will from our heart.
Prosperity with peace and God's bounty on our land
Prosperity with peace and God's bounty on our land

This is the version that I have which was credited to Mr. Murray.

O Canada, an taobh tuath treubhach, còir.
Crùn air do cheann le duilleach dearg is òr;
Bho chuan gu cuan, bho linn gu linn
Do chliù nì sinn a luaidh;
Fo sgàth do sgé tha saorsa ghrinn
Nach spùinn an spùillear bhuainn:
O Canada, dùrachd ar crìdh' --
Sonas le sìth is mathas Dé d'ar tìr,
Sonas le sìth is mathas Dé d'ar tìr.

O Canada, the northern land, gallant and fine,
Crowning your head with leaves of red and gold
From sea to sea, from age to age,
Your name we will make praises to.
Under the shadow of your wing is beautiful liberty
Which brigands cannot plunder from us.
O Canada, good will from our heart.
Prosperity with peace and God's bounty on our land
Prosperity with peace and God's bounty on our land

Note, the translations are my own.


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