2 'N uair a dhìreadh tu na stùcan
Leis a 'ghunna chaol nach dìultadh,
'S i do luaidhe ghorm a's d'fhùdar,
Chuire smùid air feadh nan gleann.
3 Òganaich an òr-fhuilt shniomhain,
Dh'fhàg thu saca trom air m' inntinn;
'S mur a till thu nall do 'n tìr seo,
Mo thoil-inntinn bidh air chall.
4 Gu leir a bhlàth air mo ghruaidhse,
Gu'n tug mi dhuit gaol nach fuaraich;
Dh'innis iad gu'n d' thug thu fuath dhomh,
Ach cha chreid mi, luaidh, an cainnt.
5 Òganaich an òr-fhuilt bhuidhe
Leat a chinneadh sealg a's sithionn;
'S ann ad ghruaidh a bhiodh an rudha,
'N uair a bhiodh tu siubhal bheann!
6 Òganaich an òr-fhuilt bhuidhe
Leat a chinneadh sealg a's sithionn;
'S ann ad ghruaidh a bhiodh an rudha,
'N uair a bhiodh tu siubhal bheann!
B Chan 'eil àit' an diugh fo'n ghré
'S am b'fhearr leam fhéin bhi tàmhachd
Na Bràigh' na h-Aibhne measg nan sonn
'm faighte fuinn na Gàidhlig.
C Na cnuic's na glinn bu bhòidhche leinn,
'S iad cnuic's is glinn a' Bhràighidh,
Mu'n tric bha sinn ri mànran binn,
'S a' chomunn ghrinn a b'fhearr leinn.
D Gur binn leam ceòl na h-aibhne mòir,
'S i falbh an glòir a h-àilleachd;
Fhad's bhios i gluasad sios le fuaim,
Cha toir mi fuath do'n Bhràighidh.
Youth Whose Hair Is Golden Yellow
Malcolm Gillis/Trad./Arr The Rankin Family,
1 Youth whose hair is golden yellow,
You will bag the deer when hunting,
On your cheeks the colour's rising,
When you tramp across the hills
2 When you climb up to the tall crags,
With your slender trusty weapon,
Then your blue lead and gun powder,
Scatter smoke among the glens
3 Youth whose golden hair is curly,
You've left me a heavy burden;
And if you will not return here,
Then my joys will all be lost.
4 It is showing in my cheeks now,
That my truest love I gave you,
They are saying that you hate me,
But I don't believe their talk
5 and 6 are repeats of the chorus (#1)
A The hills and dales most beautiful to us,
are the hills and dales of the Braes (Margaree),
Where we often sang,
sweet melodies in the friendly company we liked best.
B There is no place today, under the sun,
where I would prefer to live
in the Braes of the river amongst the heroes
who were wont to sing Gaelic songs
C is just the chorus (#A)
D Sweet to me is the music of the great river
as it meanders amidst the glory of beauty;
as long as it continues to course to the sea,
I will never hate the Braes
The Rankins sing this as a combination of the two songs, blended together. The order the song as they have sung it is as follows:
1 2 A B 3 A D 4 1 1
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