Ho Ro 'S Toigh Leam Fhìn Thu | ||
Séist Ho ro 's toigh leam fhìn thu, A rìbhinn as bòidhche; 'S an gaol a thug mi fhìn dhuit, Cha dìobrainn air òr e; Ho ro, 's toigh leam fhìn thu. |
Chorus Ho ro, how I love you, My beautiful maiden, The love that I have brought you. Could not be bought for gold. Ho ro, how I love you. |
1 Gu'n d'thug mi gion 'us gràdh dhuit, A Mhàiri nigh'n Dòmhnuill, 'S na 'm faighinn toil do chàirdean, Gun dàil dhèanainn pòsadh. 2 Na 'm faighinn toil do chàirdean, Gun dàil dhèanainn pòsadh, Na 'm faighinn cead na cléire, Leat fhéin bhithinn deonach. 3 Na 'm faighinn cead na cléire, Leat fhéin bhithinn deonach. Toil d'athair 's do mhàthair, 'S do chàirdean mar chòmla. 4 Toil d'athair 's do mhàthair, 'S do chàirdean mar chòmla. 'S gu'n cluinntemaid 'gar n-eubhach, 'S an teampull Di-Dòmhnaich. 5 'S gu'n cluinntemaid 'gar n-eubhach, 'S an teampull Di-Dòmhnaich. 'S chuireamaid an cruaidh-shnaoim, Nach fhuasgail na meòirean. 6 'S chuireamaid an cruaidh-shnaoim, Nach fhuasgail na meòirean. 'S cha 'n fhaigheadh Eoghann Ruadh thu, Ged 's cruaidh air do thoir e. 7 'S cha 'n fhaigheadh Eoghann Ruadh thu, Ged 's cruaidh air do thoir e. Ged bhitheadh a chrodh guail'ionn, Air bhuailidh 'nan dròbhan. 8 Ged bhitheadh a chrodh guail'ionn, Air bhuailidh 'nan dròbhan, O ciamar bheirinn fuath dhuit, 'S tu luaidh nam ban òga. 9 O ciamar bheirinn fuath dhuit, 'S tu luaidh nam ban òga; Troigh chuimir am bròig ùir thu Nach lù badh am feòirnean 10 Troigh chuimir am bròig ùir thu Nach lubadh am feòirnean Do dhà shùil mheallach chaomha, Fo chaoil mhalaidh bhòidheach. 11 Do dhà shùil mheallach chaomha, Fo chaoil mhalaidh bhòidheach. O thug mi gion 'us gràdh dhuit, A Mhàiri nigh'n Dòmhnuill. 12 O thug mi gion 'us gràdh dhuit, A Mhàiri nigh'n Dòmhnuill. 'S mur dèan mi do bhuannachd 'Si 'n uaigh m'àite còmhnuidh |
I fell in love with you, dear, My Mary, Donald's daughter, If your family would allow it, We would soon be married. If your family would allow it, We would soon be married; If the clergy gave permission Then I would be willing. If the clergy gave permission Then I would be willing. With your father and your mother, And kindred to join us. With your father and your mother, And kindred to join us. Then our banns they'd be proclaiming In church upon Sunday Then our banns they'd be proclaiming In church upon Sunday They would tie the knot tight That fingers won't loosen. They would tie the knot tight That fingers won't loosen. And Red Hugh would never get you. Though hard he's pursuing. And Red Hugh would never get you. Though hard he's pursuing. And though his white-legged cows were In droves in the fold here. And though his white-legged cows were In droves in the fold here. Oh, how could I dislike you, The dearest of young women. Oh, how could I dislike you, The dearest of young women. Foot shapely in shoe that's new Won't bend down the grass-blades. Foot shapely in shoe that's new Won't bend down the grass-blades. Your eyes are soft and loving, With brows fine and pretty. Your eyes are soft and loving, With brows fine and pretty. I'm in love with you, dear, My Mary, Donald's daughter. I'm in love with you, dear, My Mary, Donald's daughter. And if I do not win you, I'll rest in the grave-yard. |