Picture (c) H. R. Geiger
Le Cavern de le Vampyre

If you haven't guessed yet this is a vampyre page. Currently it contains Le Danse De La Nuit, which is a chronicle of the LARP from Huntington, West Virginia. It will eventually allow you to link to cites that deal with vampyre kin, as well as other fantasy cites. There is still a lot of work left to do on it. Please be patient, they will appear as soon as I find the most complete for each. Although I am partial to Clan Gangrel, this is a page for all vampyre kin. I will add cites to other clans from White Wolf's acclamed table-top/LARP game Vampire: The Masquarade. A specific page about myself and general Gangrel news has now been added. I hope you enjoy this cite. Please send your comments to the address at the end of the page.

Vampyre Web Cites:

La Danse De La Nuit

This is a LARP cite chronicling the unfolding story of Huntington, West Virginia as seen by the unknown mage.

Les Forest de les Gangrels

This is my autobiography. Read and enjoy. Please send questions or comments to the address at the bottom of the page.

Lupines, Gargoyles, and Changlings:

I have added this catagory because I may one day have a link to the Changling LARP page for Huntington, West Virginia. That is if it still exists. With the discussions I have had with the creator this should be an extremely informative page. From time to time there will be sections of this page dedicated specifficaly for this LARP.

Click here for a copy of a 3rd Edition Werewolf character sheet.


If you haven't played it then you are missing out. This is the best videogame of all time. Not only is it almost 100% interactive (hey there have to be some constraints) within in the game itself, it is 100% interactive with players on an international level. That's right you get to play with nearly 400,000 other people. So come on in and I'll show you around.


Sorry about having to delete that part, but it became a dead end.

My home page at Marshall University

This page shows who I am and what I am doing in real life. Take a look. You'll be able to come back here if you want.

You are person number to come across these writings since March 20, 1998 @ 12:44 a.m. ET.

Please sign my guestbook. To view my guestbook click here!

Written by Davon Hall of Clan Gangrel.

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