
It is long overdue for me to tell anyone who's looking at this page that I have long since moved to my college's web services. You can now find a (relatively) updated version of this page here. Sorry for the delay.

After completing this page, I'm looking over it, and I realize that it is really, really self-centered (except for the MARTI page). While that makes sense to an extent - it is my page - I don't know how much people are going to be interested in reading about me. Still, I try to provide lots of places for people to get more information, with interesting links and some insight into how to go about some of the things I've done. It's a fun page to have, and I think it does say a bit about me, so I hope that everyone who does read it enjoys it - that's the most important thing.

That said, I do encourage those who are still reading to continue with the rest of the page. I think that some of the material is interesting, and the page gives a few interesting places to pursue your own interests. Moreover, I want everyone to e-mail me, since I love to get feedback about these things.

    Some pages to look at:
  • MARTI is a program that I co-wrote with Clayton Myers. The program is a ray-tracing program designed to simulate two different universes. The first is our universe, where light travels normally. The second is the "circle light" universe, which was thought up by our Mathcamp mentor, Noah Goodman. It's a "toy universe" in which light travels in circles instead of a straight path. The output of the program (a work still in progress) includes some really amazing images that make you twist your mind a new way. Lots of fun to look at.
  • Astronomy is one of my favorite hobbies. I try to attack it both scientifically and observationally. Here are some of my thoughts on the topic.
  • Computers and computer programming definitely also ranks among my favorite hobbies. I love to program and to work with computers, and have done a lot with them. Here I list (and offer for download) some of what I've done. I also discuss some of my other computer-related hobbies here.
  • The Center for Talented Youth was a summer camp I attended in the summers of my 8th and 9th grade school years. I think this camp really changed me for the better, and so I'd like to offer a small tribute to it. I know that many others have done this, but if nothing else, I'd like to point out what others have said about the program.
  • Mathcamp was a summer camp I attended in the summer of my junior year. It also changed me a lot, and so I'd like to post a tribute to it as well. While the "culture" wasn't as intense as CTY, the friendships definitely were.

Page by Daniel Zaharopol