
After just talking about CTY as I did, it's difficult to change to Mathcamp. I remember one day, in the cafeteria at "U-DUB" (the University of Washington in Seattle), and some friends (you know who you are!) asked me to compare the two. I was lost for words, because despite the outward similarities (bring together a bunch of intelligent kids and let them go at some work), the two were totally different. I loved them both, though.

Mathcamp refocused me. It taught me what Math really is, and reawakened a dormant passion. I don't know if Mathcamp is really for everyone, but if I had known what it was, I don't know if I would have wanted to go in the first place... now, I'm overjoyed that I did. Words aren't right to express Mathcamp; instead, I'll point you to the home page.

Page by Daniel Zaharopol