Handle Jigsaw
Real Name Michael O'Banyon
Int 9 Ref 7 Cool 6
Look 5 Move 7 Luck 3
Body 4 Emp 9 Tech 4
Interface / Exp 3 / 7
Judaism 6 R. Weapon 3 Paint / Draw 5
Philosophy 4 Tai Chi Chuan 5 General Knowledge 7
Electronics 2 Cooking 3 Language: Hebrew 7
History 7 Mathematics 6 Language: Greek 7


  • Nanosurgeons
  • Interface plug
  • Chipware socket
  • Personal Comp
  • 3 Datachips with Jewish scripture, commentary, art, and thought
  • 2 Datachips of History and Philosophy information
  • 1 Datachip of recipes
  • 9 other Datachips of random information
  • Armored Trench (AR 3)
  • Virtual Sparring Partner (skill 7)
  • Supersquirt with a hallucinogenic / soporific mixture
        Michael started out life as a typical boring child. His parents both worked, and he went to school. His mother was a department store manager, and taught him her native tongue, Greek. His father was a computer analyst and taught his son the business. After high school, his younger sister, Samantha, went to work at a small radio station. Michael ended up at college. He studied for a history degree, but his interests lost focus. He ended up kicking around for 5 years, learning a variety of things, but never settling down. He tried to be artistic, he tried to be militaristic, he even tried the martial arts, but something in him refused to be pinned down. Eventually, he found something that gave him focus. While wandering through New Hampshire of all places, he came across an old rabbi. As was his habit, he decided to see what he could pick up from the man. As he learned about Judaism, something clicked. He began to study with fervor. Within a year, his teacher sent him off to teach others. Eventually, he came back to Night City, where his sister was now a reporter for the same small radio station. It was then that his scattered experiences and interests earned him the nickname, Jigsaw. He kept his newfound religion quiet, unless he thought the person was open and trustworthy. He found few converts, but he did spark interest in people’s spirituality. Unfortunately, his sister chose that year to try to break a story about a Biotechnicia scam to release a non-lethal disease and then hook people on its addictive antidote. A strike team went to take her out, but went to the wrong address. It turns out that Rache found the pair amusing and had hacked into the black ops teams orders. Now, both are working for the CyberRevolution. Jigsaw helps with the Holy Roller network, while Samantha (now called Scrimshaw) helps handle the Vidiots.
        In person, Jigsaw naturally blends into crowds. He has simple black hair over a lean face. His eyes are a watery brown, and his clothes do nothing to distinguish him. He is a very animated person to talk to and seeks to engage everyone in conversation. Quick witted and curious, he has a natural tendency to get people talking about their favorite subjects, which makes him listen even more intently. On his side of the conversation, he knows a little bit about everything and everyone. Moreover, he loves the small interesting details that are so often glossed over in serious works. He has taken a pacifistic stance, and avoids harming others whenever he can possibly avoid it. On the other hand, he sees that to do nothing could cause more pain so he doesn't shy away from fights that he views as just and necessary.

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