
Level Min

 Level Max

Awful 0 10
Feeble 11 20
Very Bad 21 30
Bad 31 40
Below Average 41 50
Average 51 70
Good 71 80
Very Good 81 90
Excellent 91 100
Master 101 +
Character Stat Table
STR: Determines how much you can carry; influences maximum and average damage; influences how quickly you learn many offensive skills
STA: Affects how many hit points you have, how long you can hold your breath
AGI: Affects how quickly you can learn some defensive skills, how difficult it is to hit you as well as how much damage you take when you are hit
DEX: How quickly you learn weapon skills; how often weapon will proc; how quickly you learn rogue skills; how hard you hit with bows
WIS: Affects the amount of mana the priest classes have, also rangers; also affects how quickly you can learn many skills if your wisdom is higher than INT.
INT: Directly affects how quickly you can learn most skills; affects the amount of mana for bards and all mages, as well as shadow knights
CHA: Affects amount you will be paid for goods by NPC merchants, and how much they will pay you; affects the saving throw on certain bard and enchanter spells (charms in particular)