The Continuing Voyages... #2

The Second Mission comes from "The Naked Now."

(universal) Observe Supernova
Unstable Star: Take opporotunity to watch a supernova up close but escape in time.
Stellar Cartography x2 + Navigation + Youth
When solved, solving ship may move away if possible, then everything here is destroyed (discarded, leave mission for span reference).
Any crew may attempt mission. 35 points, span 4

"The Naked Now" never gave a name for the location so I made this a universal mission and anyone can do it because it's not affiliation specific at all. The requirement is just a mixure of space related skills that haven't appeared together before. Youth is one because Wesley had a large part in this episode and the solving of this mission in the show. I've changed the text from it's original (Download Supernova here after solved) so that this card would not require a Supernova to work. Now the effect is automatic and independent. (Thanks to the Kai from decipher's BBS who made that suggestion.) Some strategy that might work is seeding a "Pup" or Isolinear Puzzle or Menthar Booby Trap here to keep the ship from escaping the supernova. Or for the solving player, use polluting cards like Subspace Warp Rift to stop enemy ships here and take them out when you solve the mission. The point value is to balance out the relatively easy skills with the risk involved with doing this mission.

Any questions or comments, e-mail me. Thanks to The One from Decipher's BBS who came up with a good alternate title for the series for me.

Captain Targ
