The Continuing Voyages... #11

In "Too Short a Season" the Enterprise crew transports Admiral Mark Jameson and his wife across the Idini Star Cluster to Mordan IV where he was to put an end to a civil war he had started many years before.

Transport Delegation

Idini Star Cluster: Transport dignitary and their staff to important conference.
Any V.I.P. + (their adjutant, assistant, gaurdian, or servant OR ship that carried or transported them.)
Any crew may attempt mission. 35 points, span 3

This mission is far from affiliation specific though only the original three can do it as is. I'm sure that other affiliations will be able to accomplish it in the future. The requirements are supposed to resemble transporting Jameson and his wife who would have some mention of being his assistant in her lore. Right now this is a list of combinations that will work: (let me know if I've missed any) Sarek and Sakkath, Lwaxanna Troi and Mr. Homn, Ruwon and Karina, Gowron and B'iJik, Gowron and I.K.C. Buruk, Duras and I.K.C. Vorn, Torak and I.K.C. Qu'Vat, Salia and Anya, Admiral Picard or Deanna Troi and Decius. There could very well be more but those are the ones that I have noticed so far. Notice that a lot of the people and ships in this list are ones that don't get much use, again my attempts to make fodder cards useful shine through. The points seem pretty fair for needing two specific people or a specific person with a specific ship. The Klingons will obviously have the easiest time with this mission since they have five pairs available to them. And they can throw in the two other Gowron missions, Archanis Dispute and Investigate Disturbance, and have quite an easy, focused mission set.

If you have any comments, please e-mail me.

Captain Targ
