The Continuing Voyages... #13

After being located on Omicron Theta in "Datalore," Lore used his knowledge of the Crystalline Entity to lure it to the Enterprise's location where he was going to allow it kill everyone aboard.

Lure Entity

Near Omicron Theta: Contact and study Crystalline Entity; determine destructive capabilities.
Treachery + Music + SCIENCE x2 OR Lore
Treat Crystalline Entity seeded here as an Artifact to play as an Event.
30 points, span 2

These two affiliations are the ones that would use scientific research to discover some destructive weapon. And if it could be figured out the Crystalline Entity would make just that, a very destructive weapon. I could have included the Cardassians but that would lack originality since this sounds an awful lot like the explanation for Study Plague Ship (TCV...#4) do I smell theme deck? Anyway, the Treachery is obvious because you're trying to create a weapon to destroy your enemy. Music is the only way we know of to contact the Entity although that is rather hard for the Romulans and Dominion to come up with since they each have only one Music available to them. There are a few Non-Aligneds that will help out. SCIENCE is there to study the Entity and determine it's potential for destruction. Actually there is one other way to contact the Entity, Lore did it, and he understands the Entity already so he can do the mission all by himself. Then there is a great perquisite to completing this mission, your Crystalline Entity becomes an Artifact that plays like an event on any Away Team or ship that you want to. If you completed the mission with Lore you can basically wipe out any crew or Away Team you want to.

Captain Targ
