The Continuing Voyages... #27

While en route through the Morgana Quadrant the U.S.S. Enterprise was sucked into a "Hole" in Space. That "Hole" turned out to be a sort of labratory for the inter-dimensional being, Nagilum. He studied the crew and their reactions to various stimuli and situations. This became very discouraging to Captain Picard who eventually determined that the only course of action was to destroy the Enterprise.

Escape "Hole" in Space
Inside "hole" in space: Convince curious being to release you from its labratory.
One personnel with 2 Diplomacy OR CUNNING > 8 x number of people in crew OR Auto-Destruct Sequence played on your ship here.
Any Nagilum-related dilemmas seeded here are doubled.
*Becomes it's own spaceline when seeded. Any ship stopping at Morgana Quadrant relocates here. Ships may return if this mission completed (or scouted.)

Any crew may attempt mission. 25 points, span *

This mission is very much in the same spirit as Boldly Go... from TCV...'s 1st season. The picture would be the cloudy emptiness of Nagilum's realm perhaps with one of those little star fixes just taunting your ship to return to normal space. During the seed phase this mission becomes it's very own spaceline and thus is not affected by cards like Q and cannot be reached by Lakanta or The Traveler's special skills. The only way to get here is by stopping at the Morgana Quadrant, more commonly known as Study "Hole" in Space. (Note that if for some reason the Morgana Quadrant is not on the spaceline this mission cannot be reached all though it does count towards your six-mission total and would help protect you from Balancing Act.) But it doesn't have to be a ship that is attempting that mission, only one that stops there. This calls out madly for Cytherians or Incoming Message... or Paxan "Wormhole" or any other of many relocation cards. Get your opponent to stop here and they get stuck in the hole in space. But then you can always use reverse psycology on them by self-seeding here and making them think that you're trying to trap them. Instead fly right over with Picard or Koloth, score a few bonus points from easy dilemmas (Cytherians works particularly well as you are at the spaceline end to start with) and then return to normal space to Study the "Hole" in Space you just negotiated your way out of. As I've just pointed out some one with Picard's negotiating prowess would be able to talk Nagilum into releasing their ship. Otherwise, if everyone aboard is smart enough you can outwit the entity. Or you can use the last resort method of blowing up your ship; even if you can't nullify the Auto-Destruct at least the mission will be accomplished and future ships will be able to escape without problems. Of course if you are trapped here against your will and can't escape by completing the mission a Space-Time Portal will come in handy to pull you away from your demise. And there is more yet! Any Nagilum-related dilemma encountered by a crew here is doubled. (A Nagilum-related dilemma is one with the word 'Nagilum' either in it's title or in it's lore.) Anyone hitting Nagilum here will need 6 Diplomacy OR STRENGTH>80 to avoid half their crew dying. Of course if they do have all of that by some miracle they will get 10 points for their effort. There are no other Nagilum-related dilemmas in the game but you can see three of them in the dream card section on this site: Ghost Ship, Too Easy!, and Your Minds Call it "Dead". This has been another very startegy rich mission that I'm sure would bring a lot to the game.

If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me.

Captain Targ
