In "Manhunt" the Enterprise is transporting some rather eclectic ambassadors to Pacifica for a interstellar conference. En route, Lwaxana Troi's empathic abilities allow her to discover the malicious intent of the Antican delegates preventing an assassination attempt.
Prevent Assassination Pacifica: Avert disaster at conference on this beautiful ocean world.
Empathy x2 + SECURITY x2
25 points, span 3
This mission, like New Contact before it, is attemptable by a set of affiliations who do not have access to empaths (except Major Rakal). So this will be a bit more of a challenge and you will have to rely on Non-Aligned support. That's not too bad considering two copies of Soto will cover the skills in totality. Odo and Maques will supply the needed skill as well. Those skills are pretty much self explanitory, an empath (or two) detect the deceit of the delegates and the SECURITY officers arrest them. Because the skills are few, so are the points. A basic mission that won't bring a lot of excitement to the game other than making the N-A empaths more valuable. This is probably the most simple mission in TCV... to date. That is partly due to the fact that I have never seen this episode in its entirety.