The landmark 50th episode of TCV...! The fact that I've made it this far assures that I will keep plugging along. Only 121 to go (That's an entire expansion!) Anyway, today's episode is "Survivors," in which the Enterprise crew meet Kevin and Rishon Uxbridge, the sole survivors of Delta Rana IV, a planet decimated by the Husnock. In return, Kevin, who was actually a Douwd, eliminated the entire Husnock race in a fit of rage and then recreated his wife and home on Delta Rana IV.
Husnock Investigation Husnock homeworld: Search for clues to the sudden disappearance of this powerful race.
Archaeology x2 + Computer Skill + OFFICER + CUNNING>38 May not attempt until any Uxbridge card has entered play.
35 points, span 4
The Non-Aligned are perfect for this mission since the Husnock fall into their jurisdiction. This also makes the mission available to any other affiliations who may be interested in Kevin Uxbridge's handy work as long as they have N-A back up. This icon also allows for the Husnock Outpost to seed here along with a ship. (Makes sense that you might find such things in orbit of their homeworld.) Imagine coming across an entire planet void of people but with buildings still standing, and every thing in place. This would make a great find for a bunch of Archaeologists, who would be happy to find present day artifacts in perfect condition. Secondly this alien culture definately has alien computers which a Computer Skill personnel would be happy to do. Thirdly an OFFICER who will lead the investigation. Finally your crew needs to be pretty darned smart to figure out what happened to the Husnock from the clues left at their homeworld. Before you can find this derilect homeworld, the race who lived here has to have been destroyed. That happens as a result of Kevin Uxbridge's powers being utilized which are shown by either of his interrupts, or the creation of his wife, Rishon. In the end you get 35 points for your efforts which isn't bad though five of those could be jeopardized if you opponent uses The Line Must be Drawn Here or Oof! on your Uxbridge.