In "Who Watches the Watchers" Picard and company visit Mintaka III, site of an anthropological research team studying the proto-Vulcan civilization developing on the planet. Technical difficulties result in a breach of the Prime Directive as the primitive Mintakans come face to face with Starfleet Technology.
v Proto-Vulcan Studies Proto-Vulcan Planet: Study developing pre-warp civilization closely related to Vulcans and Romulans.
Anthropology + Biology + Honor + Mindmeld
30 points, span 3
Mintaka III was the only place mentioned in this episode so I decided to resort to creating a universal mission. The dialog seemed to indicate that there were other proto-Vulcan civilizations around. So this mission represents some of those planets. The Federation and Romulans are the only affiliations with Vulcan connections (not counting Non-Aligned). The requirements for this relatively simple universal mission are great for mission specialists, even Taurik can use his single skill for extra points on this mission. Anthropology is a given for this episode, you are studying the development of a civilization here. Biology comes into the picture when you compare the anatomy of the proto-Vulcans to the real Vulcans and Romulans in your Away Team. Honor draws out the unificationists from the Romulans and the followers of the Prime Directive from the Federation. And finally rather than require a Vulcan, I decided to require the skill of Mindmeld so that you could make use of Taurik's mission specialist status. This universal mission is worth 30 points which is easily pumped up to 40 or 45 with AMS.