Realm of Darkness

Awards & Reviews

Received on August 1st, 1997

Realm of Darkness
"There are those who believe that life here, began out there..." These are the words you first see when stepping into the Realm of Darkness. It makes you think of Battlestar Galactica and if anyone remembers when Star Wars FIRST came out, the only real fix of sci-fi adventure on T.V. was B.G. The bad guys all had the same goal, rule the Galaxy and kill anyone in their way. Andre Jacques has created a REAL nice site here that is a "Tribute to the bad guys from the galaxy, Boba Fett, The Borg, The Cylons, Darth Vader, etc." and even though it's not finished, I'm reviewing it. After seeing the Boba Fett section, (which is finished) it was clear to me the time and care he had taken in building this site. I can't say enough about how good it is so I won't. It's all good. Normally I would give the Marksman award for an incomplete site, but Sharpshooter is the way to go here because this site is on it's way to the top! Remember I said it here first. SEE THIS SITE!

Received on August 8, 1997
Hoth Veteran's Memorial Award

You are amongst the first to win this new award. Your page looks great. You deserve awards for your hard work.
Again, Congrats.

The Rebel Base on Ice World Hoth

Received on August 9, 1997

Stormtrooper Information Central's
Helmet Award
Realm of Darkness - I know some of you are thinking what's this, an Imperial Helmet Award to a site that has Cylon Centurions, The Borg, Boba Fett and Darth Vader as it's "Bad Guys" theme. To which I respond, yup! André Jacques page is AWESOME, OUTSTANDING. I am not that old, but old enough to remember being glued to the TV to watch Battlestar Galactic as a kid with the words spoken at the beginning of this site. Man, would I love a Cylon uniform :) This site's pretty much ready for all to view right now (except for the Borg section). I give this site a 6 Helmets out of 5. I will be back to check out the Borg section when it's complete. The amount of research and care that has been put into this site is more than worth a look. True dedication for the "Bad Guys" we all love to hate :)

Received on August 9, 1997

Jhett's World 3 Saber Award

Congratulations. You have been chosen to win the Jhett Award. I really enjoyed your site. I, too, have always had a fascination with the bad guys in films. Your site provides the viewer with good solid information. Keep up the good work.


Received on August 22, 1997

Your site is a great candidate for the Locutus Award, so you got it!

Your page will be added to the award list next update.

Again, Congrats!

Received on December 15, 1997

The Collective "Select Site" Award


Received on May 17, 1999

Links2Go Key Resource
Battlestar Galactica Topic

The page titled "Realm of Darkness", at, was selected as a Links2Go "Key Resource" in the Battlestar Galactica topic, at

How your page was selected:

Each quarter, Links2Go samples millions of web pages to determine which pages are most heavily cited by web pages authors, such as yourself. The most popular pages are downloaded and automatically categorized by topic. At most 50 of the pages related to a topic are selected as "Key Resources."

Once again, congratulations on your award!
Links2Go Awards

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