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[ Homepage Of A Semi-Professional Freak ]

Grinnin' Bastard

A Tangy Blast of Creative Schizophrenia.
Enjoy All Five Delicious Flavors!
(Completely Unrelated to That Comic Book)


Golden High Fantasy Alluria is a 500 year old kingdom founded by refugees from war and disaster. They are a lonely but happy people, free from war, rarely hungry, and guided by Dragon-gods. Only a few hear the thunder in the distance. New: Adventure Chronicles - serialized records of actual role playing sessions! Enter Alluria!

ACT II: XENA, Warrior Princess

XENA Coming soon! Xena: Warrior Princess is my newest hobby-obsession, and now that I've caught up on 3/4 of the show (thanks to the previously reviled USA Network) I feel I'm qualified to put up just a little something to celebrate my favorite program. There'll be lots of links, the occassional essay or interview (probably lifted), and my own Newby's Guide to Xena. Check back soon!

ACT III: The Panpleasant Profederacy of Eris Proleteriat!

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia! HAIL ERIS! The Discordian faith is a joke disguised as a religion... or a religion disguised as a joke! The Panpleasant Profederacy is an alliance of Erisian Cabals, and an actual bona fide member of the Ring of Fnords! Updated every once in a while, with both things and stuff.


Strategy Wargaming My own small contributions to the art of playing Starcarft, by Blizzard, the makers of Diablo. It is not an official site, nor does it cover daily news (thank god). Contains information on general military strategy as it applies to the game, and a link to the best Starcraft League around!


Bestiary of Miscellany Find here my personal collection of Links, Pictures (jpg, gif), Sounds, Backgrounds, etc. This link will have more on the other end constantly, including my resume (though I can't imagine who would be interested...) This is the Bestiary of Miscellany.

They keep rollin' in...

Bored lil' suckers, ain'tcha?

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