WELCOME TO Shahed Baig's Health & Body Page................... Health is Indeed Wealth.

My Favourite Sites: 

On Health 

Mother and Child
A Womans Guide to Internet Health Sites

The internet is an amazing resource with a wealth of beneficial information for you and your family. We realize that your time is valuable. To separate the internet substance from the fluff we have searched the interent for you selecting only the best health websites for you and your family.

| Parenting / Child Health Sites | Women's Health Concerns Sites | General Health Sites |

| Physical Fitness Health Sites | Men's Health Sites |

Parenting / Children's Health Sites
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Child Secure

This is an excellent site for parents featuring useful information about child health and safety. It includes a household safety section, consumer product recall section, pediatric news section, advice section, as well as a book review section. Definitely worth the visit!


A nice site featuring general parenting information as well as information on child health and nutrition. This site also has great parenting bulletin boards and question and answer sections.

ParentHood Web

The ParentHood Web is an online website for parents and prospective parents. It features comprehensive articles, question and answer section, parenting bulletin board, and a free weekly newsletter.


KidsDoctor is a quality, content-rich website run by pediatrician Dr. Lewis Coffin. It's "what every parent needs to know" about raising healthy kids. Easy to follow, the site features contemporary answers to everyday child health questions as well as a searchable archive of health articles.

Created by the pediatric medical experts at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children and the Nemours Children's Clinics, this website is devoted to the health of children and teens. In addition to having articles for parents, this site features a kids' section with articles designed to be read by children.

Safe @ Home

The safe@home site is designed to make your home safe for your baby or toddler. The site alerts you to potential hazards in your living environment including those hazards you may not even be aware of.

Baby Online

Baby Online addresses pregnancy, parenting, and other prenatal/postnatal issues. This site includes expert Q&A, competitions, baby articles and a parenting chat forum.

Women's Health Concerns
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The Breast Cancer Network

This is the website of the National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO). NABCO provides information, assistance and referral to anyone with questions about breast cancer, and acts as a voice for the interests and concerns of breast cancer survivors and women at risk.

The Womens Health Network

Described as a "Forum for Women's Health ", this site provides comprehensive information on a wide range of health topics.

Miningco - Womens Health

Part of the Mining Company's family of educational health sites, this site presents feature articles on a variety of health topics. The site also features a newsletter you can subscribe to.

The Whole Nine Months

This a comprehensive guide for mothers to be. Articles are arranged according to the trimester of pregnancy. The site also features a month by month guide describing how your baby grows and develops.

Tampax Body Matters

Unlike many consumer product websites, this site by the makers of Tampex feminine hygiene products is very informative. It provides articles addressing issues concerning reproductive health.

NY Times Womens Health Site

This New York Times health website features 29 topic guides and is one of the most comprehensive health sites on the net.

Sympatico's Womens Health Community

A "Health Community", this site features not only informative health articles but also news interviews, interactive forums, a question / answer section as well as online games and quizzes.

National Osteoporosis Foundation

This is the website of the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) - a leading resource for people seeking up-to-date information on the causes, prevention, detection and treatment of osteoporosis.

General Health
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iVillage Health Section

iVillage bills itself as the Women's Network. The iVillage health section is a complete guide to health featuring information on a wide range of topics. Well laid out, the iVillage health section makes finding health information easy. Participate in online chats, post to topic bulletin boards, or ask an expert a question. The iVillage health section is definitely worth a visit.

Thrive Online Health Section

The Thrive Online health section makes learning about health topics fun. Ask a wide range of experts your health questions, post on the message boards, or get up to date health news. Want more interactivity, then challenge yourself with a thrive online health quiz or enter a thrive online contest.

Ask Dr. Weil

A graduate of Harvard University, Dr. Andrew Weil is a leader in the integration of Western medicine with the exploding field of alternative medicine. His site allows you to submit general medical questions or to explore the wide selection of archived answers. Also check the latest health news, find out about vitamins and herbs, or check the top ten questions area.

The Mayo Health Clinic Oasis

Brought to you by the prestigious Mayo Clinic, this website features a wealth of medical information. The site is arranged around Health Resource Centers. There are resource centers for Diet and Nutrition, Pregnancy and Child Health, Heart, Medicine, Woman's Health, and Alzheimers Disease.

Prevention Healthy Ideas

From the publishers of Prevention Magazine comes this comprehensive website. A graphically pleasing interface allows you to find information quickly and easily. Check out their health articles, visit the forums, or sign up for a free newsletter.


Sponsored by Aetna US Healthcare in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University, this site offers "a comprehensive collection of consumer health information from the best possible sources."

Medicine Net

Medicine Net provides "State of the Art Medical Information." Check out the Drug Information Directory, Medical Dictionary, First Aid Index, or their comprehensive list of state poison control centers.

Physical Fitness
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Video Fitness Website

Thinking about starting an exercise program at home ? You may want to check out this site - your complete guide to video fitness programs. It includes a complete consumer guide to exercise videos, interviews from the nation's top instructors, fitness success stories, and a beginner's corner for those just starting a video exercise program.

Fitness Link

Whether you're an exercise enthusiast, a fitness professional, or a "newbie" to fitness, FitnessLink provides the resources you need to get fit and stay fit. The site also features fitness news which is updated daily.

Fitness Online

This website features fitness, body building, nutrition and healthy lifestyle information from numerous print publications. Easy to read articles make this site a pleasure to visit. Also check out the success stories, forums, chat rooms, and ask a doctor section.


Want to find out about the fitness lives of Niki Taylor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Jordan, and other celebrities ? - Then check out this site. Also featured are articles on weight training / body sculpting, healthy eating, and outdoor physical fitness activities.

Shape Up America

Founded by former Surgeon General C Everett Koop, Shape Up America is a high profile national initiative to promote healthy weight and increased physical activity in America. This web site is part of the initiative.

Home Arts: The Body Beautiful

Part of the Home Arts website, this health section features a wealth of fitness and healthy eating information. Check out the healthy living recipe section or the body mass index calculator. The Hall of Fame section features fitness and dieting success stories and Restaurant Rx is a dieter's guide to eating out. All in all this is one of the best fitness and nutrition sites out there.

Men's Health
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Men's Health Magazine

This is the website of the print publication Men's Health. The site is loaded with information for the man in your life. Articles cover a wide array of subjects from physical fitness to healthy eating. Quizzes, surveys, and ask an expert sections give the site an interactive quality. If you don't mind the ever present subscription advertisements, this is a site not to miss.

Men's Fitness

This is also the site of a major print publication - Men's Fitness. This site is loaded with health articles for men. Clean crisp layout and excellent writing make this website a pleasure to visit.

Male Health Center

This site is devoted to male health issues including healthy eating, physical fitness, and sexual health. You may have to scroll down the first page to see all of the website options.

Sympaticos Mens Health Community Website

The Sympatico's Men's Health Community website is probably the best mens health website on the net. Describing itself as a "Men's health community, the site features articles, discussion groups, health news, interviews, and links to other men's health websites and newsgroups.