--because, after all, it IS all about me--

Hi! My name is Mel Van Houten. Actually, it's Melissa, but no one uses that except my bank, my payroll department and my mother. I have also been called a number of other things by a number of other people, but we don't need to go there.

Beyond the standard driver's license profile of who I am, I have to admit that my tastes and interests are as catholic as I used to be.

For four or five months of the year, I am employed as a T-Man, and the remainder is spent wandering a giant toy box, where I am sometimes a propeller-head, sometimes a bean-counter and sometimes a professional pain in the ass.

I have one very expensive hobby and a number of more frugal ones. In my ::cough:: copious spare time, I keep house for two grown men and six furry children. I indulge in a variety of old-fashioned arts and crafts, as well as exposing the mediocrity of my artistic abilities at writing and illustration in several venues of "fandom". I hope someday to publish something truly original. But then, I also hope to win the lottery and tour the world.

I belong to a few Inner Circles of human beings who keep me generally amused on the whole. A bunch of them even have their very own webpages which are MUCH better than this one.

Congratulations! You are visitor #Counter to my little Egopage.

Oh... one more thing...

...thanks for coming.

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All contents
©2002 Melissa Van Houten or Stacy Lucas, except for assorted clip art lifted from Microsoft.
Steal on Pain of Death !
. . .though if you really like any of the art, we do both take commissions. . .