25,000 years BSW4 - The Old Republic is formed. It is the first galaxy-wide government. The first Jedi Knights appear. There is a period of galactic peace and expansion. 4000 years BSW4 - The great Sith War. 896 years BSW4 - The Jedi master Yoda is born. 200 years BSW4 - Chewbacca was born on the world of Kashyyyk 112 years BSW4 - C3-PO was made 60 years BSW4 - Jedi Knight Obi Wan(Ben) Kenobi was born. 55 years BSW4 - Anakin Skywalker born. 48 years BSW4 - Mon Mothma, Senator and Alliance Leader born on Chandrila. 35 years BSW4 - The Clone Wars end. 29 years BSW4 - Han Solo, born in the Corellian star system. Between 29 and 18 years BSW4 - This is the fall of the Old Republic - A dark period of curruption and social injustice. Senator Palpatine rises to power. 18 years BSW4 - Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa born and placed in hiding. Anakin Skywalker turns to the Dark side and becomes Darth Vader. The Jedi Knights are hunted down and killed. The Empire is formed. Senator Palpatine becomes Emporer. Bail Organa and Mon Mothma forged the Alliance at Chatham House. 1-5+ years BSW4 - Han Solo and Chewbacca operate as smugglers. Star Wars 4 - Alderaan destroyed. Obi-Wan Kenobi killed by Darth Vader. Luke Skywalker joins the Rebel Alliance. The Battle of Yavin takes place. The first Death Star is destroyed. 3 years ASW4 - The Empire Strikes Back - The battle of Hoth. The main Rebel base is destroyed. Boba Fett captures Han Solo. Luke Skywalker confronts Darth Vader. 3-4 years ASW4 - Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian try to save Han Solo. Luke Skywalker trains as a Jedi and builds a new lightsaber for himself. 4 Years ASW4 - Return of the Jedi - Luke, Leia, Lando and Chewbacca save Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. Jabba the Hutt killed at the pit of Carkoon. Luke Skywalker confronts Darth Vader and The Emporer. The Emporer and Darth Vader are both killed. Anakin Skywalker turn back to the light-side of the force. Luke Skywalker leads the Rebel fleet to Bakura, destroying a Ssi-ruuvi invasion force. The New Republic is created by declaration of Mon Mothma. The New Republic begins re-uniting the galaxy. 8 years ASW4 - The Hapan Prince Isolder trys to marry Princess Leia. The warlord Zsinj is killed above the planet Dathomir. Han Solo and Princess Leia get married. 9 years ASW4 - Grand Admiral Thrawn almost succedes in removing the New Republic. Luke Skywalker confronts the Jedi Joruus C'Boath. Smuggling leader Talon Karrde allies with the New Republic. Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo have two children, Jacen and Jaina Solo. 10 years ASW4 - The crumbling Empire, under the command of the reincarnated Emporer Palatine pushes the New Republic back to controling about half the galaxy. The Empire is Defeated. Han and Leia have another son, Anakin Solo. 11 years ASW4 - Under the command of Admiral Daala, the Imperial forces from the Maw Installation attack the New Republic with a new weapon; The Sun Crusher. Again the Imperial forces are defeated, but Admiral Daala escapes. Luke Skywalker starts his Jedi Praxium(Academy) an Yavin Four. |