Credits and thanks

Cel' Neoth has always been, and will always be, a one man operation for as long as I am the one man capable of operating it. I am certain there will come a time when it will rise out of my hands, expecially when I begin to have need of more original art for I am far from an artist, but until that time it is mine, mine, mine. However, I have many people to thank, and these are listed below, in no particular order.

Karyl Ayne: My muse. Without her constant support, praise, and COLORS, I don't know if this project would have even continued on. She has been with me every step of the way, and she has loved me through my work. Thank you, Karyl.

Lisa Lyons: A great friend, we have kept one another sane for quite some time during the early morning hours while I have been working here. Perhaps sane is a misnomer, perhaps we have been keeping one another at a steady, but productive, state of mild insanity. In either case, Lisa, thank you for roleplaying with me and helping me to breathe life into my world. ~Wink~ Thanks for being a sweetie too.

Laron: Perhaps more enthusiastic about this than even I, and perhaps having as many characters, Laron has been a fountain of ideas and wonders for me. For this, as well as your constant care, I thank you, Laron.

Casey Dupree: A wonderful friend, in many respects, and someone that I have confided much in. Thank you, Casey, for being so good to me, and thank you, as well, for being so BAD as Sraealth Berillian.

Ayisha: Through your 'gentle' but persistant prodding, you pushed me in some directions that I may not have explored for a while and given a bit more color to Cel' Neoth. I have not done, yet, all that I have promised you I would do, but I am working on it as my mind and imagination allow. For this, as well as your wonderful roleplaying, I thank you.

Kim: For giving me the freedom to work on my dream, I thank you.

Wen Hsu:  For the beautiful artwork you've contributed and continue to contribute, I thank you dearly.