Meet my friends and family...

Many of my friends and family have had web pages of thier own but most have fallen into the way-sides of cyber-space. Oh well. Here's what's left. I mean, apparently I'm the only one who didn't get tired of having a webpage after like 2 months... I'm quite suprized at myself really.

And those who do still have pages out there haven't updated them in a long time, because apparently I'm the only looser who bothers to ever change my page...

By the way, I am in no way responible for the content in these pages, and another thing, if the pages suck, that doesn't mean that my friends do. Also, I have more friends than this... and once this page had about 20 sites on it. If you are one of my friends GET A FREAKIN WEB PAGE! Everybody's got one nowa days for goodness sakes. And If you're one of my friends and you ahve a webpage, email me your page so I can add it. thanks!


My husband Jon's page (designed by you know who). His old page been reclaimed by the net and is unrecoverable. This one currently under construction. (If I can get him out of bed long enought to work on it). Please view his artwork!

* Natasha's Page Of Wonderful Stuph
My kitty's new webpage (designed by you know who). Tasha enjoys emails so please visit and write to her. She gets so bored while we're at work!

* Tasha's Catster Page.
Tasha is my beautiful black cat. In addition to answering email here on my page, Tasha maintains a diary on Catster. Click to see lots more pictures of my sweetie. Be sure to leave her a kitty treat!

* The Reverend Dr. Michael Scarlett, my dad.
My dad's new webpage (designed by you know who). If you're in southeastern New England, and are in need of someone to preform a wedding or baptism or funeral, contact my dad.

* My baby sister's page.
My sister's page has lots of cool suff like X-files, Star Wars, and stuph like that. For a little sister, she's pretty cool.

* Bob's page.
My brother Bob... Ok, so he's not really my brother, but we go WAY back, trust me. Again. Click here for some Simpsons Trivia and random stuph about Bob.

* Mariana's Page
A really nice page from a really nice Brazilian chick! Neat stuff like chineese horoscopes. She's cute too, check her out!

* Shawn's A Boy, A Girl, A Virus
I met Shawn online back in the same time and place I met my husband and several other great folks. Shawn is a wealth of knowlege (no, he really is!) and he's pretty nice too.

* Definition of the Market Basket Just an intresting look at my former employer. PS- We used to call it the Crap Basket.


*mutters to self* if I get even one of my lazy friends out there to contact me it'll be nice, seeing as NOONE ever emails me anymore!!! (you like my award winning guilt trip???)
