The ARRL is pleased to announce the availability of Log Checking Reports
(LCRs) for selected ARRL contests.  We recognize that it is useful to
participants to review the errors found in their logs, allowing them to
identify areas for improvement in their performance. In order to
minimize additional manpower and avoid the inequities, we have
established guidelines regarding how we will address queries.

Simply put, we will not enter into discussions or debates over
individual QSOs. All electronic log data is checked using custom
software. All logs are judged by the same criteria. The log-checking
software can and does perform a good job of impartially adjudicating the
logs. Unique QSOs are not busted without substantial evidence. Audio
tapes, wave files of particular QSOs, email confirmations from others,
or other types of "documentation," while useful for a contester's
research and learning, are not usually definitive and will not be
considered. If a systemic problem is found, we will address the issue as

There have been a few rare occurrences where log files were corrupted
during transmission to the ARRL. If your report reflects an unusually
large decrease in QSOs that you suspect may have resulted from a log
file transmission error, we will be happy to investigate. The Cabrillo
format Start-Of-Log and End-Of-Log statements are the means that we use
to verify that the log arrived intact. We will deal with these problems
as necessary.

LCRs will be available for selected events, commencing with the 2001
ARRL November CW Sweepstakes. Please keep in mind that the style and
format for each report may differ between various contests, as the
various contests are checked and processed by different software. If you
have questions, please feel free to contact us at contests@arrl.org or
by phone at 860-594-0232.


Tom Hogerty, KC1J
ARRL Contest Branch Manager
Call: K2DRH
ARRL Section: IL

*** Summary ***

    1215 raw QSO before duplicate removal and checking reductions
    1182 net QSO after duplicate removal and checking reductions
    1471 net QSO points after checking
     355 net multipliers after checking
  522205 final score

       3 (0.2%) duplicates
       7 (0.6%) calls copied incorrectly
       1 (0.1%) exchanges copied incorrectly
       8 (0.7%) not in log
      24 (2.0%) calls unique to this log only

*** Not In Log ('N') ***

Lines beginning with the letter 'N' are judged to be 'Not In Log'. This means 
we have the other station's log, and your call, or a call close to it, does 
not appear in that log on this band. This QSO is removed from the log and an 
extra one qso penalty is assessed.

N   50 PH 2006-06-10 1805 K2DRH        EN41 AF4OD        EM73
N   50 PH 2006-06-11 0242 K2DRH        EN41 KB0HH        EM07
N 1296 PH 2006-06-11 0559 K2DRH        EN41 N8KOL        EN80
N   50 PH 2006-06-11 0718 K2DRH        EN41 K8GP         FM08
N  432 PH 2006-06-11 1429 K2DRH        EN41 KC9CSH       EM59
N  432 PH 2006-06-11 1502 K2DRH        EN41 W9WI         EN51
N   50 PH 2006-06-11 2151 K2DRH        EN41 AJ9C         EN70
N   50 PH 2006-06-12 0148 K2DRH        EN41 KB9PJL       EN55

*** Incorrectly Copied Callsign ('B') ***

Lines beginning with the letter 'B' are judged to be 'Bad', which means the 
callsign of the other station was copied incorrectly. This means we have no 
log which matches the callsign in your log, but we do have a log with a 
callsign close to the claimed callsign which contains a matching QSO with 
you. This QSO is removed from your log and an extra one QSO penalty is 
assessed. For reference, the matching QSO from the other station is printed 
below this line with the first letter 'G'. 

YOUR LOG B   50 PH 2006-06-10 1926 K2DRH        EN41 W4TXR        FM18
 HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-10 1925 W4TXS        FM18 K2DRH        EN41

YOUR LOG B   50 PH 2006-06-10 2012 K2DRH        EN41 W2EZ         FN03
 HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-10 2012 W2EV         FN03 K2DRH        EN41

YOUR LOG B   50 PH 2006-06-10 2212 K2DRH        EN41 W1RZS        FN42
 HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-10 2212 W1RZF        FN42 K2DRH        EN41

YOUR LOG B   50 PH 2006-06-10 2220 K2DRH        EN41 KC1JDX       FN31
 HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-10 2220 KB1JDX       FN31 K2DRH        EN41

YOUR LOG B   50 PH 2006-06-11 0153 K2DRH        EN41 K5GR         EL29
 HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-11 0153 K5GZR        EL29 K2DRH        EN41

YOUR LOG B  144 PH 2006-06-11 0445 K2DRH        EN41 W1SZ         FN32
 HIS LOG G  144 PH 2006-06-11 0446 W2SZ         FN32 K2DRH        EN41

YOUR LOG B  144 PH 2006-06-11 1247 K2DRH        EN41 N9OBB        EN51
 HIS LOG G  144 PH 2006-06-11 1246 N90BB        EN51 K2DRH        EN41

*** Incorrect Exchange Information ('X') ***

Lines beginning with the letter 'X' are judged to have incorrectly copied 
exchange information. This means we have the other station's log, and the 
exchange sent by the other station does not match the exchange recorded in 
your log. This QSO is removed from your log with no additional penalty. 
For reference, the matching QSO from the other station is printed below this 
line with the first letter 'G'. 

YOUR LOG X   50 PH 2006-06-10 1824 K2DRH        EN41 N4BH         EM95
 HIS LOG G   50 PH 2006-06-10 1824 N4BH         FN31 K2DRH        EN41