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Articles & other work
The Teacher librarian in distance education How can he write 5 pages about a wordless picture book? Ways of using picture books with secondary students. She's apples: An 'Appleworks' based library system for the small school. Will the real 'librarian' please step forward? Whistleblowing, ethics, & organisational change: a bibliography. The Relevance of marketing for libraries in the not-for-profit sector.
The Teacher librarian in distance education
How can he write 5 pages about a wordless picture book?
Ways of using picture books with secondary students.
She's apples: An 'Appleworks' based library system for the small school.
Will the real 'librarian' please step forward?
Whistleblowing, ethics, & organisational change: a bibliography.
The Relevance of marketing for libraries in the not-for-profit sector.
This site , because only the best will do, is
R.Hawcroft (C) 1998,1999 All rights reserved