A Virtual Waste of Time!
This site used to be a little "left of center." Nothing has really changed, except I have updated, changed the name, and moved the site. Come to think of it, a lot has changed. If you seek the company of StoneCircle, the sanctuary of a stone circle, or are just stoned in a circle, welcome.
This site is content heavy. In case you don't know what that is (I know on the Internet it is the exception rather than the rule, and therefore a difficult concept to grasp.), it means you actually have to read, to get much out of it. Oh sure there are a few pictures and stuff, but since I usually feel like a good rant when I am working on my homepage...This is what I've made of it.
There are intersting things (if I do say so myself) to find, if you are willing to take the time. Because I am such a conformist, there are typical things like links (everything from aardvarks to quilting to zyzzyva... careful, you may learn something), There are also weird links (check out the Link Happy page), a guestbook (or in this case, a guest map), and "just stuff." I have also included things that are a little left of center, and the all new Virtual Vociferation (aka the bitch box).
The following is:
Totally Useless Information
What you won't find here:
Frames: Nope, no frames here. Now frames are very useful things. They have their place in the world (several actually). Frames are wonderful around art, door jams, and pictures of friends. Frames suck on browsers. They don't belong here, are ugly, a pain to deal with, take up too much space, and basically I don't like them! If you have come here looking for frames, you have come to the wrong place.
Links to pages of links to pages of links: I don't think there is anything worse on the Internet than going to a page that says, "Look at me, I have a homepage, and here are a bunch of links to other pages." Only to click on one of those links, which takes you to a page that says, " Look at me, I have a homepage, and here are a bunch of links to other pages." Then you click on yet another link, which takes you to a page, which says, "Look at me" Well, you get the picture (but not in a frame, one would hope).
The Survey: Basically the little bit of information I did manage to collect, was completely inconclusive.
Pictures of my dog: They just aren't here. Of course if there were pictures of my dog here, you would see how cute and wonderful he is. He is also smart, and fun! The other three dogs are pretty cool as well, but you can't see them either. Come to think of it, you can't see my cat here either. Maybe some day I will scan pictures,
and you can see my dogs, and my cat. For now though, if you have come here looking for pictures of my dogs and my cat, or my horses you have come to the wrong place.
Search engines: Search engines are really very cool things. In fact, I doubt the Internet would be nearly as nifty a place today, if we didn't have search engines. They are really quite helpful when you want to find information that someone has put on the web. However since most browsers have some sort of button that takes you to several search engines, I didn't think it was necessary to include one here. Besides, every time I see that on someone's homepage, I have to wonder why they are trying to get rid of me so quickly. Makes me want to type in something like "turnip testicles" just to have a reason to leave the page they so obviously don't want me on. If you have come here looking for search engines, you have come to the wrong place.
Midi files that load when the page loads: I think these are the bane of the Internet, especially when you can't turn the damn things off. It absolutely amazes me that so many people think elevator music is so cool. (Hmm... ever wonder why you don't hear elevator music, in elevators?) Anyway, if you have come here looking for midi files of elevator music, you have come to the wrong place.
What you will find here:
Stuff about me: Duh! Who else would this site be about, you? I mean, you probably know more about you than I could ever know, so it would be difficult, at best, for me to write a site about you. If I did write a site about you, you would probably be board, out of your skull, sitting here reading a bunch of stuff that you already know about you. I probably wont read this site very often, so it is pretty safe for me to make it about me, since I wont be board sitting here reading a bunch of stuff I already know about me.
Content (or so it would seem): Now I am not saying that it will be good content, simply that it will indeed be content. I realize that the attention span of the average web surfer is shorter than a short thing that is really very short. So content is probably of little concern to most people out there.
If you have managed to make it this far though, congratulations, your staying power is longer than most. If you haven't made it this far, then I guess you are just average. Of course if your attention span is short enough that you didn't make it this far, then I have pretty much wasted my time sitting here telling you that if you are not the kind of person that would have made it this far, you haven't made it this far. And yes, I just typed all that in for people who haven't made it this far, just so they wont read it, because they wont ever make it this far. Now you tell me, who has too much time on their hands?
Pictures of my dogs, cat, and horses: I lied so sue me!
A bunch of other stuff I feel like putting here: After all, it is my site, so of course the stuff I put here will be the stuff I feel like putting here. Isn't the Internet great that way?
End of totally useless information (not!)
So, are you just going to sit there, or are you going to click on something?
Thanks for stopping, have a wonderful day, keep hands and feet inside moving vehicle, come again soon Oh, and whatever you do, DON'T TOUCH THE PLATYPUS!
So, where would you like to find yourself?
All about me! Just like I told you.
Pictures of me, of course. Well, you may find a picture or two of my dogs, my cat, or my horses.
The Gratuitous Links Page has been kept, simply because I am a conformist.
Just Stuff is where I keep all my other "stuff" that "just" doesn't fit anywhere else. If you come up with a better place for it let me know. (You just couldn't resist that thought about the trash can, could you?)
Message Borad you haven't wasted enough time already, have you? My favorite category is, Virtual Voicferation (aka The Bitch Box). If there is something else you would like to talk about, go for it.
Guest Map, hosted at Bravenet What the hell, let me know you were here!
Copyright information and site disclaimer is here for... hmm... why is it here? Oh yeah, cuz for whatever reason, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
If you click on the (W3C) link below, you will find this page no longer validates. When I re-created this page, I took pains to make sure it was valid transitional XHTML 1.0. Bravenet sees fit to add code that invalidates my code. For those of you who require valid code, sorry about that. If you don't know what valid HTML is all about (especially if you are a web author), please see the test page at: http://stonecircle.bravenet.com/validationtest.html.