Welcome to AnandaZone!
headLess Press
linda falorio -fred fowler
PO Box 9011
Pittsburgh PA 15224 USA
©1996, 1997 linda falorio & fred fowler
Tuesday, April 14, 1998
The Moon is necessary for life on Earth, but what kind of consciousness
might percolate through to us from the vast coldness of eternal night between the Stars?
For the spidery webs of starlight we see splashed across the night are nothing more than
luminous flecks of foam upon dark waves of a mysterious outer ocean upon which we and the
galaxies ride, for most of the universe is invisible to our eyes, made of dark matter,
shadow matter. Similarly, human personality and dayside awareness are but luminous
flecks upon the vast ocean of primordial consciousness which is dark, shadowed, hidden,
yet which contains all possibility within itself, and has the power to birth all possible
worlds. WELCOME
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