Bibliographia Neerlandica - a Bibliography of Sources

This bibliography is a list of resources I have found for the history, structure, and grammar of the Dutch and Frisian languages, with special attention to the period prior to 1650. This focus is consistent with that of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), and notes on the usefulness of the books are written with this purpose in mind; they should not be taken further.

Note that the list presented is not necessarily representative of available literature. Titles have been included on the basis of their availability for me, and this usually means those in English. If you know of additional titles which should be included, please tell me about them, and I will add them to the list.

Though all of these books have been somewhat useful, those which I have found to be particularly good are indicated by a red lion.

--Walraven van Nijmegen
This list was last updated 4 January 1997.

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Bouman, A. C.
Middelnederlandse Bloemlezing met Grammatica

Kruisinga, E.
A Grammar of Modern Dutch

Kyes, Robert L.
The Old Low Franconian Psalms and Glosses

Priebsch, R. & W. E. Collinson
The German Language

Robinson, Orrin W.
Old English and its Closest Relatives : A survey of the earliest Germanic languages

Shetter, William Z.
Dutch : An Essential Grammar

Stern, Henry R.
Essential Dutch Grammar

Van der Voort van der Kleij, J. J.
Verdam Middelnederlandsch Handwoordenboek -- Supplement

Van Loey, A.
Schönfeld's Historische Grammatica van het Nederlands

Verdam, J.
Middelnederlandsch Handwoordenboek

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