Welcome to my world on the web. There are quite a few pages scattered around on this site, reflecting my full range of interests. You'll notice pretty quickly that all my pages are pretty heavily text-oriented. I am not a graphic artist, and my taste in web page leans towards a just the facts ma'am kind of style.
As always on the web, my site is still under construction, but I hope in the fullness of time to have pages which deal with:
As an indication of just how popular this page is, you are visitor number since I reset this counter on February 28, 2001. I first put this counter in on April 9, 1996, but something went haywire, and it was telling me I had had about 7 million hits since then. Now somehow, I just don't think I am that popular, so I reset it.
© 1996 - 2001 timnfromoz
Please be a little patient if you sign my guestbook. The entries don't seem to show up straight away. Hey, I guess you'll just have to visit again!