The Mussack Family Home Page

Christams Card
Kathryn Mussack Museum
Kathryn Mussack
Chris in New Orleans
Chris' Page
Jackie loves Frogs
Jackie's Stories
What a mess
Is your life a mess?

Welcome to the Mussack family home page. Our beautiful suburban/country home is in the background. It is colored blue to induce an ironic mood of peacefulness.


What is the Mussack Family? We're a rag-tag, motley group of seven individuals who share a house, two cars, three bathrooms, four bedrooms, and myriad dishes. We're from Michigan, California, Colorado, Texas, and Wisconsin. We started as a small crew fifteen years ago, but every few years we convince another leading-edge, highly skilled yet unorthodox raw talented individual to join our team.

And me? I'm the ersatz boss of this crack demolition team. What do we demolish? All your expections!

Regarding my picture above. I was in New Orleans for the SIGGRAPH convention (computer graphics, can't you tell?). Of course when you get 40,000 computer graphics nerds together you encounter pandamaximum. Actually, I don't smoke and have never been stoned, which is why this staged photograph is so ironic, and according to the French, irony is highly humorous.

Mussack contributions to the language:

Pulled a Chris
Behaved in an uproariously funny manner. Eddie Murphy sure pulled a Chris in his latest movie, two enthusiastic thumbs up!
A graceful, athletic fellow. Michael Jordan is quite a moose.
Graceful, seemingly delicate, but with an inner strength. The desert panorama was Kathrynesque, beatiful yet intimidating.
Superlative version of pandemonium. The party was total pandamaximum.
Jacquelonian Brandy
An intoxicating elixir that induces goofy behavior. Oh you scamp, did you get into the Jacquelonian Brandy?

We bless all who visit here.

Blessing (.wav file 71k)

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© 1996 The Mussack Family.
You can send mail to the father at

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