About the TowerIt's simple. The Avress Tower is a figment of my imagination. Cut the mock gasps, hm? <g> The Avress Tower was created along with a character known as the Disoriented Dreamer. As you must do with all characters, a bit of background must be provided. So the story of Disoriented Dreamer, who was actually named Eleia, began when she had taken leave from her duties at the Avress Tower. Her story is a little too detailed, so I won't go into that (maybe one day, I'll put up a summary of her wanderings), but from there, "the Tower" was born. So over the years, I've added a little bit here and a little bit there to this Tower. I had a sketchy outline of its structure, its purpose and its occupants. It became my "baby". As you'll notice, I write stories... and though I may not write it in the story, many of my characters are followers of the Tower. It's become a home of sorts. And it has grown as I have grown. So, it may seem odd or silly to you, but my Tower has been a part of my refuge. If you still don't understand at all, then I don't know what to do. <laugh> You really need to work on your imagination, I think! Feel free to ask me any questions. :) About meNo, that's not me. Allow me to introduce Gabby (Gabriella). Don't worry; she's all bark, no bite-- most of the time, anyway. ;) Now, why is she doing here? Well, simply put, she's "one of the family." And since I'm not putting my picture up, you'll just have to satisfy yourselves with a picture of my dog. She sleeps most of the time.. but she loves seeing visitors. ( hint, hint ;) ) I have been trying to update my biodata, but found I couldn't change anything. It felt wrong, but leaving it the way it is, felt wrong, too. I finally discovered what was wrong with the whole endeavor. What I had written about myself was true. I've changed since then, but who I've become does not change who I was. On the other hand, I can't deny that I have changed. So! My solution was to write another biodata dubbed, I suppose, version 2.0. It just feels better this way. The Many Phases of ...Me The Complete Biodata of Gabby Copyright © 1996-1999 Juliana Ng This page is kindly provided for by GeoCities. |