Sarah Blake

Still Believing...

Come unto me
I am beauty, I am the light
Come unto me
Hold the darkness and stay the night

I am wonder, I am the heart's delight


The FaT myths exploded
Living in a world made for Twiggy
Just don't say it...


The Zoftig Zone
Dimensions Magazine Online
Size Wise

For years I hated myself and my body. Believed myself unloved and unlovable, believed that all men desired their women to be thin above all.

This page is a celebration of my discovery that that is not true. A celebration of the unexpected thrill that goes through me every time a man tells me I'm attractive. A celebration of the discovery that I can be voluptuous rather than fat, that sometimes I am beautiful. And a rising tide of anger against all those who lied to me, and the lies that almost broke me.

In some ways I'm still trying to come to terms with that. When I go out I often deliberately expose the body I was once so ashamed of, as an act of courage, a statement of opposition to the world's worship of thinness. I've the habits of a lifetime to break. But thanks to many, many people, especially my friends Mark and Gareth, the first who found me attractive because, not despite of, my body, I'm learning. In some ways, this page is part of that.

And if after this you want to know what I'm really like, the rest of my site is here.

My life story

Sarah Blake
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