When completed, this page will contain all relevant supreme court decisions banishing creation "science" from public school science classes.

Edwards vs. Aguillard The U.S. supreme court in 1987 ruled unconstitutional a 1981 Louisiana "balanced treatment" law requiring the teaching of creation "science" in public schools whenever evolution is taught.

McLean vs. Arkansas U.S. District Court Judge William Overton in 1982 ruled unconstitutional an Arkansas "balanced treatment" law requiring the teaching of creation "science" in public schools whenever evolution is taught.

Webster vs. New Lenox U.S. Supreme Court upholds a District Court ruling that Mr. Webster did not have a First Amendment right to teach creation science in a public school.

Epperson vs. Arkansas The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1968 that a 1929 Arkansas statute prohibiting the teaching of evolution was unconstitutional.

Peloza vs. Capistrano In 1994, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district court finding that a teacher's First Amendment right to free exercise of religion is not violated by a school district's requirement that evolution be taught in biology classes.

Segraves vs. California In 1981, the Court found that the California State Board of Education's Science Framework, as written and as qualified by its anti-dogmatism policy, gave sufficient accommodation to the views of Segraves, contrary to his contention that class discussion of evolution prohibited his and his childrem's free exercise of religion.

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