Paul Donovan as a child

Geocities is closing! My first online presence - from February 1, 1998. Thanks for the years of free hosting. VISITORS: please proceed, as explained below, to my new site:

Please note: this page hss moved to my own domain, free of popups, spyware, banners and all the other junk cluttering up the web experience. The links on this page will increasingly point to the new site as time passes. Upgrade bookmarks, loyal (and vociferous) fans, to

Welcome to Paul J. Donovan's *OLD* home page

Back from a week in Puerto Rico!

The Donovan-White wedding is here.

Tour the library where I work here.

Take the satirical tour . I apologize for the awful popups. It's hardly worth it. As a matter of fact, let me suggest you wait until I migrate this over to the new site. I'll let you know.

View my photo gallery .

Read my piece on the Ely copper mine. Or go straight to the pictures.

View the Union Mine pictures.

Welcome to my home page. I'm a fiftyish reference librarian, an atheist and unrepentant liberal, the sort that inspires fear and ridicule in conservatives, and pity and contempt in the far left. I read nonfiction mostly. Ro-kyu (Shotokan), Ik-kyu (Shaolin kempo). Married, twelve-year-old son. Favorite music: Johnny Clegg, Zappa, Stones, Dead, Phish, Blue Nile, House of Love, Pursuit of Happiness, Natalie McMaster, Shawn Colvin. Role models (other than relatives and friends): the late - and truly great - Bill Katz, Stephen Hawking, Little Richard.

Links to other sites on the Web

Jack's homepage.
The law page.
Astronomy, including Bad Astronomy.
U.S. Government Documents.
Underground comic scans. Controversial images ahead.
Legal reference materials, from a workshop I did.

Pictures of my trip to St. Croix.

Pictures of a visit to Scarano Boat Builders.

Cave pictures! Click here for a picture of a mine somewhere under Vermont, here for a picture of an object abandoned, and here for a view of ice.

New cave pictures are here. Graphics intensive, but worth the wait (in my view).

...and I told my friend Larry I'd link to his college. Have a look!

Thanks for visiting. Email me with good news or flattering comments.

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View the guestbook.

View my old guestbook.

�Paul J. Donovan 1997-2005

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