This is a huge, BIG, ENORMOUS combination of all the links on the other pages in this site. There are a whole shit load so take yer time, and remember: A journey of a thousand links begins with a single click. If you know of any pages I missed please send the URLs here.

Kurt Cobain & Nirvana | Jim Morrison & The Doors | The Beatles
Jimmy Hendrix & The Experience | Bob Marley | Gavin Rossdale & Bush
Elmo & Sesame Street | Edgar A. Poe | Home Pages | Miscelaneous

Kurt Cobain & Nirvana Links
AbOuT a GiRl - lyrics, links, and other stuff.
Acid Jacknet - Unique Nirvana and live music info.
Aero Zeppelin's Nirvana Page - a few links, sounds, pictures & faq.
Alcohol and Beans - Tons of sounds (even rare songs), info, movies, boot lists, concert dates, discography, suicide note, and thr largest collection of Kurt and Nirvana pictures on the net.
All Apologies - FAQs, pictures, RealAudio files, complete lyrics, tablature, articles, reviews and graded links.
Alternative Nation - sounds/movies/tabs/info/much-more.
Aneurysm - Sounds, pictures, video, links, BB's, and more.
Aqua Seafoam Shame - Rare interveiws, story by Krist, bass tabs, lyrics.
Art Lee's Unofficial Nirvana Discography
Big Long Now - Andy's Nirvana Page
Bleached - guitar & bass tabs, FAQs, info on a comp. tape. Take my NIRVANA test.
Born In A Junkyard
Boyanna's Nirvana - lots of Nirvana sounds, pictures, and pictures.
Chim Chim Page - Includes a scan of his suicide note.
Chris Gonyeas NIRVANA Page - From The Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
Churl - contains nirvana movie clips, tons of rare sounds all in Real Audio, guitar tabs, lyrics, more!
Cobain's Lounge Act - has rare, awesome pictures, movies, sound bytes, guitar tab, and complete lyrics made by a real Nirvana fan.
Come As You Are - Yet another Nirvana page, complete with full digitized songs, sound files and info.
Come on Over and Do the Twist - a dedicated page with lyrics, tabs, chat room, pics, jokes, poems, links, news, faq, and a quiz.
Curmudgeon - An Australian Nirvana Page
D.P.'s Complete Nirvana Links
- Over 200 Nirvana & Kurt Cobain links, with all sites' contents fully described and cataloged.
Danish Nirvana - A page with a lot of rare pictures, sounds, movie files, a Nirvana quiz, lyrics, interviews, Tom Grant's theories, Lots of links, Animations and more !!
Endless Nameless-Nirvana Tribute - fans' art/poems, best images + my own, covers & tributes, etc.
Fearsome Nirvana Page
Floyd The Barber - discography, links, lyrics, tabs, suicide note and guest book.
From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah - includes audio, images, video.
Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip - Nirvana..."with a twist of lemon"
Graham's Nirvana Page
Heart Shaped Mail Box - The Nirvana discussion mailing list. Visit this page to learn more about the HSMB, and info on joining.
Help Me, I'm Hungry - MPEGs of rare songs, and misc. RealAudio files for humor.
I'm not Santa, I'm a God - Nirvana-related information and files.
In Bloom
Irish Nirvana Page
Jay's Nirvana Page - A Nirvana site with loads of information, pictures, sounds, movies and links to other sites. If you have any questions about Nirvana you'll find the answer here.
Jerbil'z Nirvana Page - lots of wave files.
Junkyard, The - Guitar Tabs For Nirvana, Nirvana Image Archive, Info & Reviews Of Shows, Other Interesting Stuff About The Best Band In The World.
Kurt Cobain's Magic Talking 8 Ball
Laser Nirvana - Inforamtion about the new Laser Nirvana laser light show now showing around the country.
Laundry Room, The - sound clips, guitar and bass tabs, lyrics, bootleg lists, and more.
Lithium's Nirvana Page - guitar tabs, pics, sounds and more.
Lizard King's Nirvana Page
Matt's Nirvana Page - Nirvana pictures, audio collection, videos, links, drummer jokes, and more.
Megaman's Nirvana Page - Survey, guitar tabs, sound samples, etc.
Memorabilia - classic picture screen printed on 100% cotton tees. Chance to win a Nirvana CD every month.
Mexican Seafood - Includes rare song clips, images, memories of Kurt and much more. Now features a VRML gallery as well!
Mickey's Nirvana Page

Negative Creep: A Nirvana Tribute/Archive - guitar tabs, bass tabs, and lyrics for all the songs, including rare/unreleased, as well as interviews and articles.
Nirvana - Eternal Legacy - sounds, pictures, lyrics, tabs, movies and more.
Nirvana - In The Raw - Where we all share are feelings about Nirvana and the death of Kurt. Please, come read and leave your comment or feelings.
Nirvana [] - This site has animation, tabs, lyrics, pictures, sounds, and a new interface.
Nirvana [] - This site contains lyrics
Nirvana []
Nirvana []
Nirvana [Brian Eberdt]
Nirvana [Clay Teeter]
Nirvana []
Nirvana [] - pictures, bass tab, sound files, and links.
Nirvana [Dan Bennett] - Lots of pictures, links, and lyrics.
Nirvana [Eric Kintner] - includes a transcript of Kurt's suicide note and a photo gallery.
Nirvana [] - Page contains guitar tabs, lyrics, pictures, WADs for DOOM, Tom Grant's investigation, FAQ, MIDIs, MODs and more.
Nirvana [Geffen]
Nirvana [] - Pictures, Lyrics, Sucide Note, Music and Video.
Nirvana [] - Since February 1995. Complete lyric archive, text of Burroughs/Cobain CD, growing index of all Nirvana audio samples on the net, more.
Nirvana [] - Links, lyrics, 30+ audio clips, video clips, and rare Nirvana stuff.
Nirvana [Jeremiah Bakken] - Has pictures, sounds, links, and other stuff.
Nirvana [Joao Caram] - Tabs, lyrics, pictures, links and more.
Nirvana [Jon Foster] - Has sound and video samples as well as pics and discography.
Nirvana []
Nirvana [Mike Farmer] - The third coming of my Nirvana homepage. Just letting everyone who cares know that it has moved again.
Nirvana []
Nirvana [Peter MacAnanny] - Yet another Nirvana site with lyrics, tabs, pictures, and some video/music clips. Whatever isn't available will be soon so keep checking here for new stuff.
Nirvana []
Nirvana [] - take my Nirvana test.
Nirvana [] - FAQ, Lyrics, More Information, Links, Images.
Nirvana [Richie Pittenger]
Nirvana [Sappy's] - thoughts/poems submitted by other people, midis, and info on the 'new' album.
Nirvana [Tony Bain] - Site with pictures, lyrics, trivia, the suicide note, bootleg info, and other stuff.
Nirvana [] - This is my homepage dedicated to Nirvana. It has tab, links, video, and other stuff.
Nirvana []
Nirvana Club, The
Nirvana Discography []
Nirvana Guitar Tablature
Nirvana Index of WWW Pages
Nirvana Is Forever - many Nirvana's pictures, all song lylics and 140 Nirvana site links.
Nirvana Links
Nirvana Links Page - Site contains list of other Nirvana pages, lyrics, guitar and bass tabs and mailing list information.
Nirvana Lyrics []
Nirvana Lyrics []
Nirvana Photo Gallery - Comprehensive site for pictures of Nirvana. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Nirvana Pictures Galore
Nirvana Place - Dedicated to the death of Kurt in which I have all of Tom Grant's summaries and updates; more as his updates come out. Various song samples.
Nirvana Rare Songs Page - The most comprehensive and complete collection of rare Nirvana songs on the Internet. All are in Real Audio format for quick and easy download.
Nirvana Rulez
Nirvana Tribute Page
Nirvana...He's the One - lyrics, links, doscography, and the suicide note.
Nirvana: Live & Loud
No Recess - contains interviews, movies, pictures, faq's, lyrics tabs, discography and more.
Oh, The Guilt - an Australian page.
Pennyroyal Tea Room - pictures, poetry, articles, background information, FAQs and more.
Poppy Field, The
Pure Lithium - includes tabs, pics, sounds, pics, etc.
Radio-Frienirndly Nirvana Page
Scentless Apprentice
Sell the Kids For Food - Please stop by and submit anything about Nirvana. This could include poems, art, pictures, essays,etc. I will put it on this web page for others to view.
Serve the Servants
Smells Like Another Nirvana Page - A Nice Little Nirvana Page dedicated to the Music of Nirvana and their leader Kurt Cobain.
Smiley's Nirvana Page - Guitar tabs, disussion areas, pictures, complete accurate lyrics, many articles and interviews, sound clips, an on-line song survey, and more.
Something In the Way - Nirvana had an incredible impact on music. People tend to discredit them based on the fact that Kurt committed suicide. This is unreasonable.
Sonic Blue Heaven - a Nirvan Web Page. Tons of great sounds and pics.
Spank Thru: A Tribute To Nirvana - file archive, tons of info on the band, interviews, articles, Suicide Note, and more.
Swedish Nirvana Page - Contains: rare and common Nirvana pictures, sounds, interviews, guitar tabs, lyrics, facts and some Nirvana links.
TAML- The Nirvana Mailing List
- Teenage Angst is an e-mailing list dedicated to discussion of Nirvana. This page contains subscription info and an archive.
The Band That Sold The World
Tiilin' that Hoe - lots of movies, sounds, and other stimulating stuff.
Toad's Nirvana Page - a page dedicated to Kurt & Nirvana. Cool audio, video, etc.
Ultimate Nirvana Page - With lyrics, sound, suicide note, and lots lots more.
Ultimate Nirvana Site, The
Unit Shifter
Verse Chorus Verse: The Nirvana - continually being updated and improved.
Von Doom's Nirvana Page - links, pics, lyrics, FAQs.
Wishkah's NIRVANA Page - Cool page with lots of lyrics, tabliture, and updates, opens 1/1/97.
Usenet - - Newsgroup to Nirvana (must have Usenet software)

Jim Morrison & The Doors Links
The "Official" Doors Site
- It's finally here! Don't be fooled by the false claims of others...
Dawn's HWY - The home of Doors information. Some nice original artwork.
The Doors Newsgroup: - Intersting discussions & postings usually relating to the Doors.
The Rest of The Doors - Marshall's informative page
Doors Webpage - Cool stuff
Neon Groves - Info for Doors mailing list!
Whiskey, Mystics, And Men - An excellent Doors tribute page!
Morrison Hotel - Get a Room!
Henry Diltz's Photo Gallery - Step inside for a look at The Doors and more...
Riders on the Storm Home Page - Home page for one of the best Doors tribute bands!
The Mojo Page - So...What does 'Mojo' mean anyway? Find out!
Elektra Records - Find out what Doors CDs are available...Sound clips, too!
Open Doors - Nice tribute site!
Infinite Perceptions Doors Page
Greatest Band - Appropriately titled.
Jim Morrison and The Doors - Nice tribute page with poetry, midi files, lyrics and more
Doors Tribute Page - A cool tribute page with lots of pictures. Also in Norwegian
Brian's Doors Page
The Last Outpost - A great source for Morrison's poetry (plus a great familiar looking picture of Jim)
The Cribber's Rock 'N' Roll Stories - A few reprinted articles about Morrison's death
Dead and Buried Legends - Another short acount of Morrison's last day as well as other rocker's deaths
JDM Poetry Page - Various works by JDM.
CyberLizard's (Richard & Jeff) Review of Doors Web Pages - A different kind of Doors tribute page...But good!
The Doors: The Best Band Ever - Lyrics, Pictures, Samples, etc.
Ultimate Band List - The Doors entry in a great music resource page.
Picture Archive For The Doors - Contains some real cool jpgs!
Hard Rock Cafe - Flipside of Morrison Hotel!
Doors Discography - Album information.
The End - This is a page dedicated to the song, "The End" and Jim Morrison.
Mojo's Roadhouse - This is where Morrison-worshippers hang out. Poetry, Tablature and more...
Doors In Denmark - Ad and setlists from Denmark shows.
Pere-LaChaise page - The cemetary's page!
Jim's Poetry - A good source for Morrison's poetry
All-Music Guide - The Doors all music guide.
Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame - The Doors induction.
Classic Rock E-Zine - Check out their review of the Children of Night: A Tribute To The Doors CD!
Val Kilmer Doors Site - Val's portrayal of Jim.
No One Here Gets Out Alive - Warner Brothers audio version of the biography.
Poetry - More Jim poetry.
No Title
Ray Manzarek
Soul Kitchen - Let me sleep all night...
Jim Morrison
The Doors Picture Gallery
Whiskey Bar - Nice looking page with lots of unique info.
No Title - Brand new page with some nice looking graphics.
German Doors Page - This, of course, is hard to understand for non-German speaking, but is definitely a tribute page!
The American Night - Doors page with albums, lyrics, and pictures. New.
Jim Marshall's Hollywood Bowl Photos - Actual concert photos.
Dutch Page - The Doors in Deustche.
Nokon's Doors Page - Links to poetry and stuff.
American Prayer - The Doors: CD Sale
The Doors - Various material. Hasn't "been up" for a while
A Tribute to Jim Morrison - Lyrics, Info, Midis, MODs.
Links and info about The Doors
Jim Morrison - Trial photo of Jim Morrison. Very cool! Authentic picture from the trial taken by eye-witness.
The Palace of Exile - Everything you need to feel Jim in your open heart.
Los Angeles Rock Map - Check out several of The Doors historical sites around LA.
GroovyB's Flashback and Bootlegs - Check out GroovyB's bootlist of over 50 bootlegs (and other stuff)!
Jim, The Others And Me - This page is about a play which centers around the restaurant in Paris where Jim supposedly ate his last meal;.
Palace of Exile
The Doors Goldmine - Several sound files and a few bootleg set lists
The Severed Garden - Some lyrics, poetry and a few interesting pictures
Somebody's Doors Research Paper
Doors Page
Doors Page From Spain
A Jim Morrison Page
Shrine to the Doors
Doors Tribute Page - Interesting statistics about The Doors on the Top 100 charts
Lorraine's Doors Page
Lyric Archive - Just what it says...A lyric archive
Doors Tribute Page - Contains a very cool drawing of Morrison
A Doors Page
A Light My Fire Page Please take a minute to check out our sponser's web site:

Elmo & Sesame Street Links
Children's Television Workshop - The Official site for Sesame street. It's mostly educational stuff.
The Sesame Street Connection - This is a cool site for all kinds of stuff
Pat-uh-huh's Sesame Street Page - Cool site. Lots of info.
Elmo - Elmo, woohoo!
Elmo's Page - More Elmo woooooooooohooooooooooo!
Bert & Ernie's Apartment - Um, this is not a gay site, I swear.
The Story of Bert and Ernie - Nice story fer the kiddies.
Ernie and Bert Sketch List
The Unofficial Sesame Street Homepage - Pretty cool.
Alexa's Sesame Street Page
Sesame Place Theme Park

Home Pages
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Links updated and checked bi-weekly.
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