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WELCOME to "De-Archives". This is a storage area for Cetacean interests found throughout the Web. We hope you enjoy and learn, and as with all exploring done in life, you should use your best judgement regarding the validity of information presented. This is not a 'Web Ring', but there are 'Web Rings' located within the "De-Signs" site, so please "Bookmark" to "Favorites" any "De-Signs" page to easily return. If you have, or know of, 'Cetacean Information', please submit link in email at bottom of this page. Because of the reference nature of this site, non-discrimination will be guaranteed, and we invite material from ALL 'pod'ners, young and old.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Swim Free, Play, Discover, Learn, and Share!! ~~~~~~~~~~~

CetaceART LinkCetaceART~~~~Come visit our Peace of the Universe.
Literature Link De-Literature ~~~~Stories relating to Dolphins or Whales.
Research LinkDe-Research~~~~Research and support foundations dedicated to protecting, understanding, and communicating with, the Cetacea.
Sounds LinkDe-Sounds & Music~~~~Cetacean produced sounds and music.
Games LinkDe-FunZone This is the place to go to have FUN!! Come (((PLAY))) in De-FunZone!!
WebRings LinkDe-Rings~~~~Cetacean oriented WebRings.
USA Government LinksDe-Governments~~~~Direct access to the representitives that govern humans. (Temporarily USA only)


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"There is about as much educational benefit to be gained in studying dolphins in captivity as there would be studying mankind by only observing prisoners held in solitary confinement."

~~~~~~~~ Jacques Yves Cousteau ~~~~~~~~

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