All Kind Of Disclaimers

I've been reading all kinds of questions regarding these pages so I made a list of disclaimers:


mapa argentina

Why is this page published in English?

Some of you folks asked me why did I write these pages in a foreign tongue.
Since I'm Argentine and proud of it. The reason is that the whole site is in English.
The neat people who offer me this broadcasting media put it up in English.
And since this is my second tongue and It'll be the most spoken first tongue during next century (thanks to stupid Garcia Marquez beliefs) I guessed I'd be the right choice.

Why is this page has so few pictures, Why does it look so raw ?

Since I don't have much money to spend in www builders I had to made them manually. Nevertheless several features were added using well known software packages.

Besides, I'd rathger like the words than the pictures . So if I have to choose I'll take the letters !

Why do you have so few links ?

Since I'm not always on-line it's very difficult for me to surf the InterNet. So I only visit those pages recommended by people (like you).

Your page has a lot of 'bugs' and is badly written !

Sorry, My English is not as good as I would like it to be.. if you encounter any problem please tell me about them and I promise to fix' em ASAP !


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Last update: 1/7/1998

E-Mail me Wanna tell me anything? I'm sitting here disclaiming