Welcome to the Scotland County, Missouri, USGenWeb site

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Visit the Master County List for Missouri on the MOGenWeb Site. Interested in sponsoring a Missouri county? Please contact state coordinator Megan Zurawicz for more details. For a look at the bigger picture, see the USGenWeb Project, or go even further with the World Genealogy Web Project.

Scotland County was a beautiful unconquered land
Where our forefathers had the courage to take a stand
Out of the wilderness they hewed and wrought
'Twas the land of beauty they had sought.
It was they who cleared the land and turned the loam
They who made it possible to have a safe and happy home
Now that we have a county with all its beauty
May we never forget our duty
To honor and preserve this soil
Bought with so much sacrifice and toil...

By Mabel Wildman Rice
With very special thanks to Kimberly Rae for sending it

Welcome! My name is Shari and I adopted Scotland County because I am researching my family in this area. I hope this site becomes an amazing resource for genealogists with northeast Missouri roots, and I think that with everyone's help it will be. If you have any questions, comments, or contributions, please e-mail me anytime at scotland-co@geocities.com.

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copyright © 1996-97 Shari

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