The White Lodge

* Incongruity
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Continued...Pg. 3...
       Peace with humanity was the fourth peace of the Essene Sevenfold Peace. All throughout history, mankind has seen where this particular deviation has caused so much tragedy and heartbreak. Peace has never reigned upon the earth at any one time. Again, man's procurement of inferior feelings and thoughts has only resulted in his failure to get along with his fellow man; and many great injustices from man's envy, greed, exploitation, oppression, suppression, and discrimination of our own brothers and sisters of this planet. Being either very poor or very wealthy were looked upon as deviations from the law. Usually in either situation, the thinking, feeling and acting bodies are not in harmony with the Law; either by exploiting others for one's own personal gains, or by being so oppressed by one's poverty, that one can't better one's own situation in life. The rich and poor alike have suffered because of their departure from the Law. The Essenes knew to change the poverty, the corrupt society, and many of the wrongs in society as a whole, one had to start with himself first. This was instructed by them: show yourselves as examples. Patiently, the Essenes taught and showed by their own example, how mankind could live in accordance with the Law. In their communes, they shared everything in common. All community members thought of and treated one another as brother/sister. Not only did the Essenes show the world how to live peacably together, but they showed others their benevolence to all mankind by healing others, caring for the aged and infirm,   helping another in any way that was possible for them. They accepted anyone who desired to live among them, and if the person was interested in learning their teachings and following their way of life, then they entered an Essene spiritual school of learning for soul development as a neophyte, progressing in their knowledge of the Law, learning to live in accord with all aspects of the Law. A community could have productivity, orginization, and even individual freedom, if they lived in peace with their fellow man and God. In the Essene brotherhood, everyone did some type of work for the benefit of all, a big part of this was providing enough food for their community. By nurturing their crops, the Essenes came to understand the Forces and Laws in nature, applying this to the entire cosmos as well. Their thinking bodies had a healthy attitude about working to grow fruits, grains, and vegetables. They realized that the knowledge they gained by coming to understand these natural forces of sun, water, air, earth, and life was their key to understanding their universe and God. The Essenes wanted for future generations to see all plant, animal, & especially, human life living in perfect peace and harmony with one another. This is what they hoped their teachers, especially their Great Teacher, Yeshua, could convince the populous of the merit and truth of their teachings, especially this one, the peace with humanity.
       Peace with culture was the fifth peace of the Sevenfold Peace. By learning and utilizing ageless wisdom, through the great masterpieces of all time, man could eventually learn his place in the cosmos. The Essenes believed that the great master pieces of all time were a third of all knowledge. They believed that the way to truth was threefolded: by intuition, as was followed by the mystics and prophets, by science, as is followed by nature, and through culture, through appreciation of great works in literature and art. As was found in the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Essenes produced many ancient, classical works. They studied these by utilizing their intuition and knowledge of nature as well. They found merit in studying the great master's higher intuition, and utilyzing it into their own daily lives. By reading the words of the great masters, such as Zoraster, Enoch, Moses, to name a few; one could attune with their own thinking body, strong vibrations of thought currents that connect one's thinking body with that of the master's. The classic masterpieces contain the everlasting, changeless, and enduring universal truths, alike to all regardless of culture and religion.The ancient Essenes taught their truths in two forms: by parables of nature grasped by the common people, and directly to a select few by their intent to remain true in their thought, word, and action, like the disciples of Yeshua were.A select few went on to become further masters of the thinking, feeling, and acting bodies of mankind...By attuning one's mind with the great master's thoughts, one could raise the consciousness of his thinking body, and eventually achieve the peace with culture he was seeking. Through the constant comparrison of the three paths to truth: intuition, nature, and attunement with the valuable knowledge of the masterpieces of all time, one could evolve and advance in their own spiritual development.
***CONTINUED**..ESSAY ON THE SEVENFOLD PEACE........Page 4 The sixth peace of the sevenfold peace was peace with the Kingdom of the Earthly Mother and involved man's relationship with the laws & forces of nature. This harmony between man and nature has long been proved to be neccessary to man's well being in life. Whenever man has gone against nature's laws, as has occured throughout history, he has met with ill-fate. One has to merely look at man's most recent past with the effects of pollution and hazardous wastes on the health of humans/animals, the environment, the ecology, the economy, and all of these are long term effects as well; to know the truth and consequences of man disrespecting nature.

Sumerian hieroglyphics tell of a time when man was one with nature, and lived an idyllic existance with the forrest, about 10,000 years ago. Humans there and then, lived as arboculturists, their society flourished on mostly fruit trees with some crops of grains and vegetables. Keeping their  food source in abundance was of course, a major goal of this society. Trees and to a smaller part, grains & vegetables, were carefully cultivated. Mankind learned hybrid breeding and produced many kinds of fruit. At this time, man was indeed in alignment with the Earthly Mother's Kingdom.
This type of society was again demonstrated in history, during Zoraster's time, in ancient Persia. There and then, all father's were asked to plant a fruit tree on their son's birthday, every year; so that on the son's 21st birthday he would have not only 21 trees, but the land the trees were on, and this was the son's inheritance. Also, the father would have  taught his son the necessary skills and knowledge about the cultivation of the fruit crop.
Again in Brahmanism, this Vedic philosophy was founded in the Upshanishads, as the "Law of One":'Tat Vam Asi--Tho art that'; and demonstrates the oneness of man with ALL. One of the steps to this "oneness" involves first our oneness with the Earthly Mother.

The seventh peace is that with the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father. This peace is one's peace with everything...the universe and the cosmos. This is also viewed as one's peace with the "Law"--the One Law contains all the universal laws of nature and the cosmos, this Law is equated with the Heavenly father. This Law governs all things from earthly nature to whole solar systems and galaxies. once man has found his peace with the Heavenly Father's Kingdom, his "inner intuition" is "awakened". This "inner intuition" is what the mystics and prophets down through the ages have used to guide themselves. This is mankind's highest goal, to be one with one's Creator. First, man must realize that he is a part of the universe, not separate from it. 

He must realize that he is seperating himself from the Ultimate Source.(the Heavenly Father). The Essenes taught that by man choosing this separateness, he had put limitations on himself, on his ability to connect with the Source of All, and in doing so had gone against the Law itself.

Dr. E.B. Szekely says this best in his chapter on the Sevenefold Peace (from the book, "The Teachings of the Essenes:From Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls"): "...A man's failure to understand this causes an infinite complexity of false limitations.He not only limits himself to the supply of his material needs, but in regard to his capacities, his abilities, and power of thinking, feeling, and acting. He lives a life of mediocrity because of these false ideas of limitations which he fastens upon himself. Modern Science concurs in this, reporting that man has capacities that he seldom uses...The Essenes taught this peace to humanity so that it could overcome all limitations and contact their Universal Source, the same source with which the great masters throughout the ages have united their consciousness when they gave forth their intuitive teachings showing man how to become conscious of the law, understand it, work with it, and manifest it into action...The kingdom of the Heavenly Father is always open to him. His return to the universal consciousness, universal supply, is always possible. Once he makes the decision to return and puts forth the persistent effort, he can always go back to the Source, his Heavenly Father, from whom he came from, whom he has never in reality been away from..."