#Friendly Op evaluation Committee Guidelines




The main purpose of the #Friendly Op Evaluation Committee (OpCom) is to 
evaluate an op candidate for #Friendly, and give the channel maintainer, 
Super, an objective feedback about whether the candidate should be oped or 
not. OpCom will also help Super in dealing with problems among ops and other 
channel related matter. The final and most important goal of OpCom is to aid 
Super in ensuring #Friendly runs smoothly.


OpCom will be organized in the following way. One person will head the OpCom 
and act as the coordinator, and 4 other people will be on OpCom.  The 
coordinator will organize OpCom and handle all recommendations and quizzes for 
new op candidate.  A coordinator does have a vote, but his/her vote counts 
just the same as other members'.

Current Members:

Here are the nicknames and e-mail addresses of current members of OpCom:

(Coordinator)Hiko 	centihar@mines.edu
   Mar21                jlnichol@sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
   Angel111	        angel111@alias.undernet.org
   Stever		sac76424@saclink.csus.edu
   Ifek		        ivica@ihug.co.nz

Op Evaluation Procedures:

1.  A person must be recommended for op by 3 different ops on #Friendly before 
    s/he is evaluated by OpCom.

2.  A recommending op needs to e-mail the coordinator with the proper 
    information, which should include that person's nickname, IRC address, 
    e-mail address, and brief description of why that person should be oped.

3.  The coordinator, once the first recommendation arrives, should either 
    e-mail or inform the candidate on-line how to get #Friendly Op FAQ 

4.  Once all 3 recommendations have been received, the coordinator will ask the 
    OpCom to evaluate and vote on the candidate.

5.  OpCom members should return an objective feedback about the candidate 
    based on what s/he knows about the candidate, and vote whether the 
    candidate should be oped or not to the coordinator.  If s/he does not know 
    the candidate well enough to vote, s/he must abstain or ask for more time.
    Vote must be returned within 5 days, unless more time is requested, or
    that person will be considered as abstaining vote.

6.  A brief quiz to see if the candidate has read the Op FAQ and knows some 
    basics about IRC, will be given at this time also.  The result of the quiz 
    will be CC'ed to Super, and other members of OpCom requesting it as well.

7.  After all the votes are received, the coordinator will return the result 
    to Super and OpCom members.

8.  Super will then make his decision, based on OpCom members' votes and the 
    result of quiz.  Super always have the right to veto OpCom's vote.

9.  New ops are on probation for the first 2 weeks.  This means that new ops
    cannot recommend others for ops and that if they are not behaving properly,
    ops can be taken away quickly.

Sample Recommendation:

- Recommendations should look like the following:

	I would like to recommend the following person.  He has been a regular 
	on #Friendly for some time now.  He is very friendly and responsible.  
	He will not abuse op, and he should help us make #Friendly live up to 
	it's name.  Here are his information:

	Nick: 		Hiko
	E-mail address: centihar@mines.edu
	IRC address: 	Hiko!centihar@slate.mines.edu


- As a collective voice, OpCom represents all of the #Friendly ops, and Super
  will take decisions of OpCom as such.

- Being on the member of OpCom is not about having more power.  It's about 
  having more responsibilities.  OpCom members as indivisuals do not have any
  more power than other ops.

- Members of OpCom are free to identify themselves as such.  OpCom members can 
  also recommend someone for op as well.

- We will try to have a geographical diversity on OpCom, to ensure that all 
  candidate will be evaluated fairly.

- If, at any point, the coordinator and Super feels that a member is not doing 
  a good job, s/he will be replaced immediately.  Super can also replace the 
  coordinator if he feels the job is not well done.

- Super makes the final decision on the ops.  He can veto the vote of OpCom if 
  he so wishes.

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