==============================================================================Note: I did not change any of the newsletter to put it up here.. This is exactly the same as what was emailed with only a few exceptions.. One being that I made links so that you could email the people who's email addresses were given in the newsletter and links were made to the WWW sites.============================================================================== No. 3 January 1996 Hello! January is already here, thus announcing the arrival of the New Year. It's a time of fresh new beginnings in all endeavors, and hopefully, prosperous ones too! And brrrr, Winter is officially here (at least in Canada) by the evidence of the amounts of snow most of us had recently, as well as freezing temperatures. Consequently, a lot of people stayed inside on those days and, especially those IRC lovers, spent time on #Friendly. Coincidentally, this is the first issue of _The Friendly Times_ of 1996! It's still in the regular format most of you have become accustomed to. This month's issue, however, has a new addition! Laugh will now write a regular montly column for the Times... but I won't spoil the surprise, so you'll have to read on to see what it is! As for my thank-yous, special thanks to the _The Friendly Times_ team who contributed something to keep this newsletter going, and to the people that have encouraged the latter on its accomplishments. Have fun! Cancerian :) s984992@aix2.uottawa.ca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Super's Big Waste of Space ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, I had to rebuild a bunch of stuff when I finished working last term so I lost a lot of stuff. One was the distribution list for the friendly times. Lets see.. Well from a personal perspective, I am giving up some of my cservice duties so I can have more time to actually be on the channel. Hopefully with this I will have more time to hang on the channel and actually get to know more and more of what actually happens on-line and understand a few more of the inside jokes. One of the most common questions about the channel is other languages besides english. Well, I personally have no probs with other languages being used but we do need to maintain a level of control. So as long as there is an active op on the channel that can moderate/monitor the conversation in the language that is being used, I see no probs with its use. I know that there are a lot of ops that speak french and spanish and a few that talk other langs, so perhaps you might want to ask around to see if anyone else is able to understand. Anyways, keep in mind that talking another language is not really violating any of the major guidelines for the channel, so try and be polite as possible and explain to the person as to why you want them to speak english and offer alternative channels that they can try. Buddybot is the source for a lot of files and stuff so feel free to use it. If you want your gif/jpg on there just let me know or get the buddybot information: /msg buddybot get buddybot* Also for the those of you using Superpak, Teal and I are working on getting a new modified version of it up on Buddybot, so keep your eyes peeled. Just a minor side note: Not everyone will get this. If someone doesn't and wishes to get or or someone wants to stop getting it, please let me know and I will add or remove their addresses. Also you can get a copy of this by typing /msg buddybot get friendly.times Super Super@alias.undernet.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE OP SECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---=== OpCom Update ===--- Hello #Friendlies!!! Once again, this is the boring part of _The Friendly Times_, but I promise you this month's OpCom Section will be fairly short. :) So, without any further adue, here goes... *** New Ops! *** This has to be the most exciting part of the OpCom Update, because I'm not writing most of the things in this section! Anyway, we do have two new Ops this month. Please welcome them to the gang. :) THE FRIENDLY TIMES
(registered 1/10) Hi everyone! I'm Mandy1, my real name is Karen and I'm 39 years old. I've been happily married for 20 years and have two daughters (the oldest of whom is responsible for introducing me to IRC). She is now trying to get me into a 12-Step Program for IRC addiction! :) I live in Illinois but I can usually be found on #friendly. I do secretary work (for my Dad) which explains how I got the job considering my "occasional" typos. Everyone on #friendly has made me feel very welcome there! *Hugs* to all of you! :) Mandy1<cityboy>
(registered 1/15) Howdy All, my name is Michael Shunk aka "Cityboy". I was born and raised in Houston, Tx and made my home in Fort Worth, Tx. I am a 30 year-old male and my current occupation is a police officer for the City of Fort Worth. I enjoy conversing, and some of my other hobbies are photography and maintaining an aquarium. I have just become an Op, so I'm very new to this, but I do appreciate the opportunity. And for Mar21, I will try to improve my pick-up line. *wink* Michael G. Shunk aka: Cityboy mshunk@dfw.net Welcome to #Friendly, Mandy1 and cityboy!!! *** Other Stuff *** Okay, here are a few other things that we want to remind you about. When you op someone who is not on the bot's userlist, please remember that you are responsible for their actions. This is not to scare you from op'ing other users, though. :) You are not going to get into trouble just for op'ing other users. I do it sometimes, so does everyone else. Just please make sure that the person you're op'ing is a responsible person who won't mess with the bots. As written on "friendly.faq", you should de-op whoever you op'ed when you leave the channel, but if you're leaving no other Ops behind, it may be wiser to leave that person op'ed, provided that s/he is a responsible person. Please use your own good judgement here. The above goes true for those of you who are sharing your account with someone else. Obviously, the bots op them as well, and you will be responsible for their actions as Ops. If a problem persists, a password will be added to your account to gain Op on #Friendly. Again, please make sure that you're sharing accounts with responsible people (well, you wouldn't be if they're not, right?) who doesn't mess with bots and/or cause troubles with other Ops. Thank you. Also, we have had quite a number of lamers who uses regulars' nicks and ask for op on #Friendly. Please be careful! If you are going to op them, please make sure that he/she is the real Op with a different account. If you can't, it would be best to politely refuse simply because you cannot verify that person. *** Help! *** No, we can't quite help you with your IRC addiction, but we can tell you where to look for help when you're having trouble on #Friendly. This month's section is mainly aimed for non-Ops on #Friendly. Please note that last month's issue also has a section which told you where you can look for help when having trouble on #Friendly. 1. Problems with Ops on #Friendly If you're having a problem with an Op on #Friendly, the first person you should seek is Super (super@alias.undernet.org). E-mail him if he's not on-line, and he _will_ answer you eventually. (but expect a few days' delay) If he's not available, try to talk to one of OpCom members (Hiko, Angel111, Ifek, Stever and Teal). 2. No Ops present on #Friendly If you see no Ops present on #Friendly (besides bots) and someone is acting like a jerk, see if you can find an Op on #Friendly hiding in #Shelter. If you can't find anyone, you have no choice but to endure for a while. Usually, though, there should be an Op or two present on #Friendly. If you see bots on #Friendly (usually, SuperBot and BuddyBot are there, along with X) without ops, please try to find an IRCOp to help you. If X is present, OpCom members can also regain Ops. If not, only Super and other IRCops can help. Most IRCops can be found idling on #Wasteland. You can also do "/who -oper" (ircII users) to find IRCops. More complete information about where to get help in general (so that you can help a user with a question) can be found on sources.info (thanks to Teal for compiling it), which is available through /dcc BuddyBot. *** Final Words *** Special thanks goes to Super and Cancerian for helping me polish this up. See, I told you I'd keep it as short as possible... even though this still is long. Not to worry, the rest of the Times is filled with fun stuff. So keep on reading! :) If you have any questions/comments/flames, don't hesitate to e-mail me and others. Thank you for your time, and have a great time on #Friendly! Hiko, centihar@mines.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE ENTERTAINMENT SECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WWW Sites-- by Stever Hiya all! This is the web sites section. Each month I will list 5 cool or useful sites on the Web. The sites are ranked from 1 to 5, 1 being the best. 1) Mentos -- The Freshmaker Now, I don't know about all of you, but I can't stand those annoying Menthos commercials. This site tells you everything you always wanted to know about Menthos but were afraid to ask. If you have no idea what Menthos are, this site will tell you.. The URL: http://www2.best.com/~dijon/tv/mentos/ 2) Why ask why? Do you ever ask a question that doesn't have an answer? This page has a funny list of questions that people ask, such as "Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime?" This site is funny and worth a look.. http://www.traveller.com/~rudy/why.html 3) The HTML language For those of you who are currently making your homepage and want some references, this is the place. This page has links to all of the best tutorials and references on the HTML language used to make Web pages. I used many of these resources while making my homepage and they are very helpful. The address for this site is: http://union.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HyperNews/get/www/html/lang.html 4) Reference Shelf This site is a great reference for many things. It contains a dictionary, thesauraus, book of familiar quotations, periodic table and many other useful references. This is a great site to use for writing papers. The URL is: http://www.nova.edu/Inter-Links/reference.html 5) Wired Magazine Wired magazine is a magazine dealing with Internet issues and information. It has some interesting articles and is worth a browse. Most of the articles are well written and informative.. Check it out at: http://www.hotwired.com/wired That does it for this section. Look here next month for more good web sites, if you know a good site email me, and I'll include it! --Stever(sac76424@saclink.csus.edu) --------------------------------------- Hi there folks! With the Friendly times gathering momentum with articles about the channel rules and Op intros and stuff...I thought, why not add a small section of humor, just to try and make you smile a bit...to take the mind of the other more serious issues dealt with in the newsletter. I'll send Cancerian one small humor article or joke every month... (dont want to bore you with more). So...here friends is the first "Laugh of the Month" Laugh ************** All of us have been totally frustrated with Computer hang-ups and bugs of which we know and can do nothing about....other than rebbot and lose all data! Here are some of the errors and messages or advice you might have got one time or the other. Cannot find REALITY.SYS. Universe halted. COFFEE.EXE Missing - Insert Cup and Press Any Key Buy a Pentium 586/90 so you can reboot faster. My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. C:\WINDOWS C:\WINDOWS\GO C:\PC\CRAWL C:\DOS C:\DOS\RUN RUN\DOS\RUN <-------- The information went data way --------> Best file compression around: "DEL *.*" = 100% compression The Definition of an Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in. BREAKFAST.COM Halted...Cereal Port Not Responding The name is Baud......, James Baud. BUFFERS=20 FILES=15 2nd down, 4th quarter, 5 yards to go! Access denied--nah nah na nah nah! C:\> Bad command or file name! Go stand in the corner. Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay.. Why doesn't DOS ever say "EXCELLENT command or filename!" Southern DOS: Y'all reckon? (Yep/Nope) ... File not found. Should I fake it? (Y/N) Ethernet (n): something used to catch the etherbunny An error? Impossible! My modem is error correcting. CONGRESS.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot Washington D.C (Y/n)? Does fuzzy logic tickle? A computer's attention span is as long as it's power cord. 11th commandment - Covet not thy neighbor's Pentium. Disinformation is not as good as datinformation. Windows: Just another pane in the glass. SENILE.COM found . . . Out Of Memory . . . Who's General Failure & why's he reading my disk? RAM disk is *not* an installation procedure. Shell to DOS...Come in DOS, do you copy? Shell to DOS... Press- - to continue ... Smash forehead on keyboard to continue..... ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI! E-mail returned to sender -- insufficient voltage. All wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound? Error: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue. Hidden DOS secret: add BUGS=OFF to your CONFIG.SYS Press any key... no, no, no, NOT THAT ONE! Press any key to continue or any other key to quit... Excuse me for butting in, but I'm interrupt-driven. REALITY.SYS corrupted: Reboot universe? (Y/N/Q) Error reading FAT record: Try the SKINNY one? (Y/N) Read my chips: No new upgrades! Hit any user to continue. I hit the CTRL key but I'm still not in control! Will the information superhighway have any rest stops? Disk Full - Press F1 to belch. Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (T)hrowup Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic (A)bort, (R)etry, (T)ake down entire network? (A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a beer? Real programmers don't document. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand. *********** The Op Portrait This month's auto-portrait was written by Surly. Surly is every bit as bad as he sounds: arrogant, childish, self-willed, carnally-minded, contradictory, illogical. Just ask KarenK. Okay? Let's get the bad stuff out of the way first. I admit it. I've been unmanageable ever since they skipped me through second grade for being cursed with the second-highest I.Q. in my local school system. (The guy with the highest is now a respectable middle-class alcoholic with a good job, a house in the 'burbs, and a family. I'm a sober one in a rental duplex and a family that sorta tolerates me. Jesus, I'll never forget coming to on his apartment floor one typical Sunday morning and hearing him croak out, from a similarly horizontal position, "Let's not even think about breakfast. I know a store downtown that sells Grolsch on Sundays." Now, there's my kind of guy.) Age? Forty. Where I come from and where I am now? In order: Hiram, Ohio , and Hiram, Ohio. It's a one-stoplight, one-college town in between Cleveland and Akron, but distant enough from each to be safe. I took an English degree at the marxist private liberal-arts school here that I think pays U.S. News and World Report for a good rating every year. Oh, I was a golden boy there too, between binges anyway. I cranked out term papers on Milton and Dostoievsky and slugged down cheap wine at English Department teas and pretty much took my sweet time getting through, since my dear old Mom was bio dept. secretary and we kids went tuition-free. I learned about ten years after I graduated that people attend college with the goal of bettering themselves occupationally (!?). This is the most ridiculous notion I've ever heard. I went because I enjoyed readin' and writin' and it was the onliest thing I was ever good at, not for a job. And I've spent my time since pretty much fulfilling that, hehe. I dunno. I can write a bit when I feel like it but I feel less and less like it these days. The more writers and journalists I met, the less I wanted to be like them. I've been published in "The Nation," the "Cleveland Plain Dealer," the British "Spectator," and praised but rejected as too explicit by "Puritan" magazine (available at your better hardcore shops). I was managing editor of a regional history mag 'round here outta college and more recently an attack dog columnist and feature writer for "The Gateway Press," a 16,000-circ. weekly here in Portage County. I worked there for an admirable female editor/publisher who was usually described as a "take-no-prisoners" type when we caused enough trouble to make the pages of the Plain Dealer or the Akron Beacon Journal. We had a ball keeping the local politicans on their toes and were the only reliable source of uncooked info in the county. Then I penned a piece wondering why so many of Clinton's appointees are Jews and why the media ignored this -- we were out of business eighteen months later after an extended ad boycott and as virulent a smear campaign as the Plain Dealer, the Anti-Defamation League, and the American Jewish Congress could mount against us. But, hey, kids, don't believe the myth that "they" control the media. I'm sure our experience was accidental. *wink* Somewhere through all this I've been a liquor salesman, a front desk clerk, a pickle packer, a gas station attendant, a grocery stockboy, a rubber factory worker, and an inmate a couple of times until my white-sheep sister got a hold of the lawyer. *sigh* I'm now a utility locator (don't ask, it's boring). Should I have gotten my teaching certificate so I could now be a pasty-faced neurotic left-wing NEA stooge timeserver pulling down 50K and Pharoah-like bennies for nine months of indoor work, crammed into over-heated rooms with 16-year-old girls wearing those thigh-high stockings that show about a foot of creamy thigh under flirty plaid skirts? You bloody well bet I should have. Oh, well. I'm not bitter. REALLY! *sob* I'm trying to hew at least partially to Cancerian's suggested format here. Been an Op since?? Hell, I dunno. I've been on the net for about a year and an Op something less than that. It took me a couple months of hunting and pecking before I even found IRC, and there are brief moments when I regret having found it. There are eons when my wife Karen regrets I did. Types like me find enough trouble without the assistance of a real-time worldwide network of opportunities to dig ourselves in even deeper. But the complications have been largely offset, I think, by the friends and the companionship to be found here. Lessee, the most embarrassing thing i ever did. . .Christ, ask a sober alcoholic that and you'll get "War and Peace," Cancerian. I think it's a tossup between that time I thought I was pissing half a fifth of Chivas in a guy's back yard but was really using the couch I'd just arisen from, and I was moving a lot slower than the other people who were on it when they saw what I was about to do (why don't we ever help old ladies cross the street in blackouts? It's always something stupid); or the time I accidentally sent that particularly descriptive netsex line to the #friendly screen and nearly sent BadPlaid to the emergency room with terminal laughter. Where the hell has he been, anyway? You better not have sold out to USX, sucker. Anyway, I've done too many embarrassing things to count, and so have my friends, which takes care of #8. I'll ignore the rest of the format since I wrecked the end of it with a slop py cut-and-paste job, although I seem to recall something about my biggest fantasy (not referring to sexual) and what I'd do with a million bucks. Hm, A) none of your business and B)I'd misspend it. I'm serious now, I remember a news item years ago about a Japanese guy who won a lottery and stood up in the middle of his office and tore the ticket to pieces, saying it had caused too much envy and jealousy among his friends and co-workers and wasn't worth it. Could any one of us do that? Cou ld I? I hope so. I wonder how the guy did the hara-kiri later, though? Gun? Knife? Poison? I'd like to end this sorry spectacle with a tribute to occasional #friendly visitor KarenK, who is now enjoying a well-deserved nap on the couch after a six-day workweek and putting up with me for 12 interminable years. She takes out the garbage, fixes the plumbing, balances what meager checkbook there is, cooks, cleans, loves, supports, sacrifices, and always does the right thing without having to think about it. She's sexy, too. Don't you just hate people like that? How do they do it? I haven't the vaguest. So if you don't like me, blame her -- I wouldn't be here without her. Well, it's her comp, too. And if you do like me, give her, and Alcoholics Anonymous, most of the credit. And yeah, I AM in Holland with her right now and trying to save my sorry ass from being moved into an '89 Festiva where it belongs. Yours, Jack Killey (surly) "I know not what goes through the mind of an evil man, but I know what a good one thinks, and it's horrid." --Joseph DeMaistre ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Classifieds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indians' Homepage is: http://www.en.com/users/indians -----------------------------------