the Source Web Publishing, an Industrial Strength List for Web Professionals
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General Computing Resources

  1. BugNet: "The Global Authority on PC Bugs and Fixes."
    Fix Finder | BugNet Alert

  2. Computerworld "The online connection for information technology leaders."
    News and Features | Resource Center | IT Careers

  3. PC Lube and Tune Dozens of sets of well-written articles aimed at helping users understand their computers.
    An Introduction to PC Hardware | Surviving the Next OS | Ethernet | Learning Java | The Storm Before the COM

  4. PC Webopaedia "The #1 online encyclopedia and search engine dedicated to computer technology."

  5. The Virtual Museum of Computing An exhaustive list of links to Internet resources dealing with the history of computing.

  6. ZDNet:
    Computer Life | Windows Sources | Computer Shopper | MacWeek | FamilyPC | PC Computing | PC Magazine | PC Gaming

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