
Thank you for taking the time to navigate to my photo gallery. Here, I hope to collate some examples of my work. Sadly, I do not get much time to photograph any more, but I am hoping to get back to it in the summer, with the advent of some new models. You can view the images from this page, or choose a tour to allow me to guide you through my images. If you wish to mail me with your comments, I would be grateful to receive them.

Here is the Guinevere that is little known, the frightened, young girl. Nervously contemplating life in the outside world, life with Arthur, away from the confines of her safe life. Awaiting her King

Morgaine, much maligned, her desire, her desperation to preserve the old ways. She will always be remembered here as the bearer of the sacred sword, when she took her place as the Lady of the Lake on the Isle of Avalon. One day, she may bestow her grace, upon another, when the need is greatest. Morgaine

The myths are not gone, the gods and godesses of the old belief have life. They simply sleep, waiting for their moment, their time. You step over her, you cannot even see her, but she is there... Grove Sleeper Water Sleeper

The one event that we can rely on, is that death will one day come for us. Is this morbidity ? Or the simple acceptance, that one day, we will return to the state from which we came ? Or are we gladly returning, to our mother's arms... Hand

Given back to those of Avalon, the Sword will return with the Once and Future King, to aid Britain in her times of trouble. If you look carefully, as you travel around this great land, you might just catch a glimpse of that fabled blade, glistening in the mist of myth, awaiting its call. Excalibur

Crashing waters rain down, where once the pagan stood, peacefully worshipping her gods Waterfall

At Owain O'Goch's castle, he imprisoned his brother, falsely accusing him of adultary with Owain's wife. Red hair flowing, sword planted firmly under fist, he demanded eighteen years of his brother's life. Castle

This was her domain, the place that she retreated to when all else became difficult. For it was here that her power was strongest The Glen

She retreated here to replenish herself. To allow her soul to settle, before the next struggle to retain her religion for the land, to stop it dying under the weight of the Roman boot. Spine of the Glen

The lot of the Seer is not an easy one. To know the future, and not be able to change it... the pain was often too much to bear. The Seer

On occasion, despite all around you, you can still see the Dragon's breath, snaking, coiling, pervading our lives... Dragon's Breath

It is still possible, to walk down that quiet country lane, to feel the land underfoot, and still imbibe the tranquility of this country that is England Country Lane

Look down from the ruins of what some believe is the Grail Castle, and you will remember the story of Bran. Of how is head was buried at the Gates of London, to protect the city from danger - this is the fire that he was forged in, the land that made him great Valley

Guinevere waits for the return of her King, as does the land. Waiting by the Daneskin Door

Her self-imposed penance for love, for the tragic demise of her beloved husband, and the death throes of the land, was to remain in a Nunnery, and pray for forgiveness... Altar

In our dreams, she rests, this Lady of the Lake, awaiting her return at our land's hour of need, but for now she sleeps... Avalon

The house was empty now, but there remained the ghosts, the haunting of happier times. House

She worshipped only the sky above her - forsaking all other gods, she summoned the powers of wind and weather, and commanded them to do her bidding... Wind and Sky

Sometimes, our opinion of ourselves sinks to such a depth, that it can only be described by analogy... Reflection on the self

She was proud, Nimue, and her lust for knowledge was great, but it was untamed, and without direction. Nimue

In this world of commerce and strife, the world of myth is far from us, but one day, it will turn to face us once more, and will dazzle us with its rich tapestry. Contemplation

Guinevere held on to her faith until the end. For her, truth was in the Christian cross. With time however, she begun to understand that Religous Conviction

From the corner of your eye, in an instant, you may still see the remenants of another age, the beauty of the Golden Age is still with us - we just need to know when not to look... Wood Nymph

Where before the Dragon was everywhere, invincible and unchangeable, now it is in pain. The stakes we drive between its scales, tear at its flesh, for it cannot forsake the land. Look deep, you will see its tears... The Dragon's Tears

She hides herself, from the world. You can pass her and see nothing but a tree. Put your ear to the rough bark however, and you may hear a faint gasp of breath... Dormant

In the bowels of the earth, within the coils of the sleeping dragon, Morgaine venerates the Sword, held for the moment of the return of the King.

Here is the road to Camelot. Here is the road that we must find. We must retrace our spiritual selves to the Golden Age The Road Back...

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